Baywatch was looking for a new Captain and some rookie lifeguards. The
last time we saw rookies trying out for lifeguard positions was in the show's 5th season/(1994-1995). Interviews as to why
the rookies wanted the job were conducted. Numbers were assigned, the photo sessions as in relation to the numbers
assigned. The stretching, the anticipation, and finally, the line-up for the swim. The problems getting out to the water to
swim and how each handled it.
Manny Gutierez swam strong to lead the pack. And an nervous, worried dad,
Lieutenant Mitch Buchannon with binoculars in hand, keeping a close eye on how son Hobie was doing. How lake swimmer April
Giminski who wasn't used to the tide, and didn't seem to have a chance managed to join the pack. Manny qualified crossing
the line first while Hobie, who didn't give 100% felt more comfortable in the last pack of qualifiers.
The desperate race for the last spot on the roster resulted in a loss for
the Frat brat, named Richie who was angered and started a fight. April who came in just after Richie, sat down to
cry in disappointment for not making the cut. April's chances were restored when a rookie was injured (torn hamstring) and
the spot offered to her. She was very happy and appreciative to get the chance. Richie on the other hand was angry because
he was next in line. He was told that he disqualified himself when he started a fight when he didn't make the roster. He stormed
Later, Mitch was offered the Captain's position, which he turned down...again (offered once by
Captain Don Thorpe, as he was considering the Chief position for himself in Nightmare Bay/Parts 1 and 2/2nd season 1991-1992,
and the result of turning it problems in Money, Honey/2nd season 1991-1992.) This time, the Chief
wanted him to take the position, as she personally held him responsible for the vacated position. Mitch just explained that
maybe she was still in love with her ex-husband. Error here! Sam wasn't married. In previous episodes last year,
Captain Samantha "Sam" Thomas' ex was only described as her ex-business partner that she got romantically involved with and
he hurt her badly enough to make it hard to trust another relationship with co-worker. The Chief was persistent and determined
to get Mitch to take that position. She wanted him to start right away and pointed out that he was the most qualified for
the Captain's position.
Lani McKinzie had met Cody Madison earlier while he was vacationing in Hawaii.
She was his dive guide. She came to L.A. hoping for a shot as a professional dancer. She got a chance to perform during amateur
night at a local club. She invited Cody to come. Lani's ex-boyfriend,
Darren Homes showed up and started to harrass her. Cody got in the middle and the bouncer had to throw Darren out, but not
before Darren could hit him hard-below the belt. Later, Lani told Cody that Darren thought that she came to the mainland to
follow him. Darren saw them together in Hawaii and thought that Cody was interested in her.
Darren stalked her..while she and another rookie jogged on the beach and again
during a rookie training session. Cody saw it and challenged Darren after he refused to leave. The water fight was convincing
as Darren tried to strangle and drown Cody with the cord of his rescue front of many witnesses yet. Newmy, who was
instructing the class, swam out to break it up. Darren mounted his board and swam off, threatening to sue. With witnesses
watching what he did, and the fact that he was in the criminal act of stalking...I
don't think so! The direction of the struggle was well done. And for some unknown reason, jealous maniacs really do get excessive
strength when fighting for another person's affections. They do this even though they will never get that affection.
Mitch and Hobie prepared dinner. Mitch brought up his concerns about
the qualifying swim, and that he finished so far back. The fact that he didn't give 100% or even try to break a sweat. He
didn't seem committed and if his heart wasn't in it, he shouldn't be out there (unfortunately, this would mean going to Summer
school, as Mitch gave Hobie two choices before he picked rookie school). But it's good to see that the pressuring has lessened
greatly (since the episode Liquid Assets/7th season 1996-1997). Hobie told his dad that he might take into consideration
that it wasn't easy being the son of a living legend. Mitch agreed to take that into consideration. It's apparent
here that Hobie was afraid of messing up or of being compared to his father. Given his dad's immaculate reputation. It should
also be noted the qualifier isn't most important as to whether a rookie finishes first or last. Where you finish in the final
is what counts the most.
Manny, on the other hand, failed the eye test and was disqualified from rookie
school. He found out that without the contacts he wore, he must have 20/30 vision by strict county regulations.
Manny's vision was 20/40. This rule seemed a bit harsh and outdated. As long as you can see fairly well in case the contacts
come out and can still make the rescue, the rookie should not be disqualified. Contacts are going to enhance vision
anyway. And you learn something new everyday, as no one would ever have guessed that Newmy and Caroline wore contacts.
The impression was that they had perfect vision since no scene has never shown them mentioning contacts, nor were they shown
holding a container that held the lenses. The rule should be modified or changed completely, as it is outdated.
Most memorable though, was the office scene when Manny was angered because
he was told by Mitch that he couldn't be an L.A. county lifeguard because of the stiff county regulations. When Mitch offered
to help him get a job at a private club where the regulations weren't so strict, Manny rejected the idea. Hobie suggested
corrective laser surgery. Manny told him to get real and that he couldn't afford that. And he was so angered that he broke
a window in Mitch's office. Manny was hurt and told Mitch, "I was trained to be an L.A county lifeguard, not some second rate
Cabana boy." He went on how the upper brass didn't see him win the qualifying race or how hard he had worked. They didn't
know anything. But told Mitch, "...but you do Mitch...and all you can do is toss me a bone! Thanks..for..nothing!" He stormed
out of Mitch's office. This scene gave Manny a bit of color. That he was capable of showing other emotions besides the
only one displayed last year....over-enthusiasm.
When Lani was late for a meeting with Cody, he became concerned. With the
help of Baywatch Headquarters, he tracked down the freighter that Darren came in on, and rushed to the boat to look
for Lani. Darren had kidnapped her, planning to take her back to Hawaii. I couldn't understand why Lani didn't put up any
kind of struggle. She just allows him to take her, and he had no weapon! Lani needs more backbone.
However, she did hear a fight going on outside and managed to crawl through
a porthole and grab a fire extinguisher. She sent a blast in Darren's face so that Cody could finish the fight. Darren was
sent back to Hawaii to face a prior assault charge and a prison term.