Happy October Everyone!
I hope that everyone enjoyed the warm weather while we had it. Its getting
dark as well.
The page is shaping up quite a bit. I decided to go with a new design to make it easier to read as try to entice you
to go inside to look around. There is still a lot of work to do to get the page finished. You will note the periodic
What's New for This Month?
One of the first things you'll notice is that there are twice as many cast biographies.
It is always updated as news comes in, so catch the latest on the cast. You will find that the BW Updates
have been upgraded as well. Keep up with your favorites.
BIRTHDAYS Condensed to one page. The current Birthdays emphasized at the top and the full year at the bottom.
ENCYCLOPEDIA It is ready to go with most letters having information entered. You will find as this area grows, that most
of your questions concerning subjects covered on the show answered.
Hopefully, after getting all of the major information posted, I will be be able to work on photos and graphics to put
it all together. In all, it's getting there and I'm pretty excited!
Enjoy your safe weekend!