I love reviewing an episode based on the main fact if it was enjoyable
or not. I add my comments on the content of the script, direction, acting and the type of film it was shot with. Did
I like the way this was done or could it have been approached a lot better? As with any TV show, a script written for
one character just can't work and should have been adjusted or aimed with a backup character in mind. Sometimes
a scene added in doesn't work either. Some of them are shot very early and then inserted later where necessary during
the season. Film can clash as well. Most of the scenes are shot on one type of film and then there is one or
more scenes on another.
The characters are also a huge factor. Was the character's background
the same when introduced or was it changed one or more times just to satisfy a script? The writer should be talented
enough to know the characters. Well enough in fact to write with their backgrounds and given personalities in mind. If
enough is not known about them, it is time to do the homework. The background of the character when introduced should
stay uniform throughout the show until the character leaves. A few adjustments are allowed, based on learning
experiences and how it affects the character.
The biggest complaint I got by e-mail was that the show was no longer aired
in certain cities around the world. Fans wanted to see the new characters as they came and went. When you read a review for an episode, you can still get the feel of what went on because most content is
included. This makes it easier for those fans in cities around the world to keep up. The scripts are also there
to help. I transcribe the scripts from the episode. And I write them in a book format rather than in script format. This
makes it easier to read and for you to enjoy.