A Knife In The Heart 2
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****Sharkey's Review****
A Knife In The Heart
 2nd Episode/11th Season (2000-2001)
Date Aired: 10/15/2000   Encore: 10/21/2000
Week of: 10/09/2000 - 10/15/2000 
My Score: 1 Rescue Cans
This Week's Quote: "I didn't EVEN hear that!"
                                             -Sean Monroe (Jason Brooks) to Kekoa Tanaka (Stacy Kamano) after she suggested to him that J.D. was available and could take her shift.
5 Rescue Cans/Exceptional (Super Waves!)
4 Rescue Cans/Excellent
3 Rescue Cans/Good
2 Rescue Cans/Fair
1 Rescue Can/Poor (A Total Wipeout!)

A Knife In The Heart offered us a chance to see Michael Bergin's improvement in the acting department. In previous seasons, he sounded like a robot. All talk and no emotion. Also, the Executive Producers and writers are trying to return the character more the way he was when he was introduced in the 8th season. He was intelligent and quite sensitive then. He had a lot of pride. He liked to fix things and was handy with a toolbox. And he was an excellent lifeguard with 10 years of solid experience under his belt.

The problem that hampered him when a victim died concerning an attempted pier rescue. His close relationship with Mitch Buchannon since he was 18. Mitch kept up with J.D. and his career after his being assigned to Daytona Beach. The 9th and 10th seasons painted J.D. as a gorgeous, but brainless creature with no chance for development. In addition, you could add skirt chaser in the 10th season to the list. And that was a total waste. Well, Michael has gotten his much improved acting experience from doing movie projects. He is actually starting to show some promise as an actor. A bit more polishing and he could be lucky enough to land some rewarding roles in the future.

This episode offered three storylines, the main one which was actually tainted in the facts department. Do the writers EVER take any time to VIEW back episodes? The main plot still turned out well enough to be deemed as watchable. J.D. got a call from Jessie and learned that she had broken up with her current boyfriend. Actually, you would have to wonder how she managed to get one so quickly on the rebound after last season. How many days could that relationship have lasted? But anyway, J.D. got upset when Jessie stated that she wanted him back. There was a choice. Her or lifeguarding! The writers changed Jessie's personality here...pretty much overnight! J.D.'s as well. J.D. went into his rage mode. He started acting out in a bitter, hateful manner as he struggled with his decision. It had to be made soon. He had about a week. He made the mistake of telling Sean off and got a serious ultimatum as a result. Take a couple of days off to cool off or he would be cut from The Team. J.D. took the challenge and told Sean that it wasn't such a bad idea. J.D.'s integrity would soon be tested here.

The second storyline was concerning Kekoa's former boyfriend Drew Sato. Two years after their breakup, The Native Island Activist came back seemingly to ask for her help. Actually, Drew's coming back triggered Kekoa's chance with J.D. She really didn't want him to leave the Island. Why would she since she was strongly attracted to him? Kekoa told him that he should think carefully about what he had in Hawaii before making the decision. A short third storyline was a trainee session to see how they would handle a very large victim.

J.D. was driving a scarab and was in pursuit of a teen on a Jet Ski. Leigh was standing beside him. The trainees all standing in the rear of the boat holding on for their very lives. J.D. yelled for the boy to stop. The boy thought that he could actually get away and kept going. But J.D. was determined to catch him, keeping pace. It was hard for the trainees to maintain their balance. Zack stumbled. Leigh told J.D. to be careful even as he weaved skillfully around people. The boy stopped and turned to face them. J.D. came to a halt. J.D. told him how many people was he going to take on this particular beach. The boy told him to take it easy, he wasn't going in to the beach. J.D. didn't want to hear it. He told the boy not to lie to him. He gave him a warning. If he ever saw him on the Jet Ski on his beach again, he would have him taken in. After his warning, he told the boy to get out-slowly.

Leigh told J.D. that she didn't know what was wrong, but he needed to cool off. Zack unwittingly made a remark to Carrie that J.D. was losing it. Carrie said nothing. Unfortunately, J.D. heard it and was not in a pleasant mood. He ordered him to swim back to the Sun Staging area. Zack laughed while looking at his fellow trainees and told J.D. that he didn't mean anything by it. J.D. growled "NOW" and Zack had no choice than but to do as he was told. He dived into the water and proceeded to swim back to shore. Leigh told J.D. that she would take them back out. J.D. didn't argue about her taking the throttle. J.D. stepped aside with his hands up surrendering the driver's position.

Meanwhile, that boy who had been stopped earlier by J.D. was now close to shore speeding through swimmers. His dad was cheering him on. The boy's name was Axel Greer and it was apparent that he was a spoiled brat courtesy of daddy. Kekoa, who was guarding the beach, did not like what she saw. She had the standard rescue can today. Mr. Greer pointed out his son and yelled that he was a natural in the water. Kekoa approached him, telling the man that he needed to tell his son to stay farther out. There were other people in the water.

Kekoa kept her eyes out at the ocean. Especially on a swimmer and a young couple learning to paddle a canoe. Axel was flirting dangerously around them. Her eyes moved toward the swimmer. The man appeared to be having a heart attack. She quickly ran to her board and got it out to swim toward the victim. From the opposite side, facing him, she flipped it over and pulled the man over onto the board. Axel's dad had been watching as she made the rescue. During that event, Axel had gotten closer to shore near swimmers and the rocks. He caused the canoe to overturn before he was thrown into the rocks and waves. His Jet Ski, however kept going. The young woman surfaced near the canoe only to have the speeding Jet Ski head into her. There had been no time to react.

Meanwhile at the training site, J.D. was on a Jet Ski and Leigh on the scarab. They had been doing training exercises. J.D. received the call for help. He was on his way! Leigh would close shop and get over to the beach. Zack asked if he could come and to trust him, he was good. J.D. told him to get on. They were soon on their way.

Kekoa worked on the man with a crowd closely around her. A little boy was holding up the radio for her so that she could work while having access to communication. The paramedics soon arrived. They finally made their way toward her with equipment. She told the guys that the victim had been reassessing for 8 minutes. There was more trouble in the water. J.D. and Zack were getting close to the scene even as Axel, who was hurt stayed afloat. The young man was keeping his wife's face above the surface. She was unconscious.

The paramedics told her to go, they had him. They took out a defibrillator. Kekoa ran out only to come to a complete halt. She saw Axel who was hurt, but still able to keep himself afloat. And then there was the unconscious woman with her husband struggling to keep her unconscious body up. The choice was clear as to who needed the help first. Grabbing her rescue can from the sand, she made her attempt out toward the couple. Axel's dad stopped her. He grabbed her arm. She tried to rip free. But his grip was firm.

She demanded what he was doing while trying to break free. Mr. Greer wanted her to rescue his son first over by the rocks. Kekoa tried to get out of his grip so that she could help the couple first. He then held her forcefully by the shoulders. He was going to make himself heard. He ordered her to get his son first. Kekoa told the man to let go-NOW as she continued to struggle! She had to use the flat end of the rescue can to hit Mr. Greer with enough force so that he could release her. He was preventing a rescue and every second counted. She ran out to the water to help the couple first. Kekoa managed to get out to the couple just as they were sinking. She got the woman.

I must say-Mr. Greer sure was a jerk wasn't he? Although Axel was his son, he should have realized that the boy was still keeping himself afloat. The couple needed the help immediately. If he had not wasted those precious minutes preventing a rescue, both could have been done that much sooner.

J.D. got to Axel and Zack dived in. J.D. gave Zack instructions since the water was cold and had rips. He was to stay put and keep the victim floating. He would be back. He asked Zack if he made himself clear. Zack acknowledged by telling him that he heard him in Jersey! J.D. was satisfied and quickly got over to Kekoa with her unconscious victim. They got her up and onto the Jet Ski bed. Kekoa told J.D. that the woman had lost a lot of blood! She would give her air until he got them in. Paramedics were on the way. Both Kekoa and the woman's husband climbed onto the Jet Ski bed. Since she was still wearing the harness, Kekoa handed the tether to the young man to keep it from dragging behind her. J.D. headed for shore. Another paramedics ambulance had arrived. When they reached shore, J.D. immediately hopped off giving orders. Mr. Greer ran over and didn't see his son. He demanded to know where he was.

J.D. told Mr. Greer that everything was fine. They were going out to get him now. He was in safe hands. Kekoa assumed that it was Leigh. J.D. told her that it was Zack. Kekoa winced. The paramedics held up the backboard stretcher. They rolled her over on three with J.D. counting. After they got her on and she was loaded into the ambulance, J.D. told Kekoa that he was going back out to get Zack. Axel's father just looked out at the water worried. Zack held up under the elements. He exclaimed to Axel that the waves were going to kill them. He opted to hide behind a stump. J.D. was soon out looking for Zack. He wondered what had happened as the boys were not where he had left them. Riding around, J.D. finally found him. He told Zack to stay where he was. He was going to throw him a tube. Zack caught it and got a good grip with one hand while holding onto Axel. He towed them out of the rip.

Later, Kekoa was in the outdoor shower. Jason found her and commented on her save because word got around. He told her that was a nice job with the rescue can. Kekoa just figured that he would have done the same thing. After Jason left, she noticed that someone was waiting for her. She grabbed her towel and exited the shower stall. It was Drew, her old boyfriend, whom she broke up with two years ago. She asked him how long he had been standing there. He told he long enough as his eyes lingered over her. He told her that she always did look good wet. She informed him that he was never good with words.

Drew got to the point and told her that he couldn't reach her by phone, so he had to see her in person. Kekoa made herself clear. That nothing had changed in the last week. She had a full bag here and she wasn't going to put it down for him. He told her that it wasn't for him. It was for her beach. They were going to bring in the bulldozers after the rains. She informed Drew that it was not her beach. He told her it was and to remember the little girl who learned to fish there with her grandfather. She saved lives. Why wouldn't she want to save that part of her Island? He needed what she knew about that part of the beach and the land around it. No one knew it better than she did. The more she could teach him about it, the better. Kekoa to him that he couldn't just drop back into her life after two years and start making those demands. Drew pointed out that when they were together he never demanded anything from her. And he wasn't going to now. All he was asking is what a warrior asks with a spear in his hand. She smiled while thinking about it and figured that he was getting a little better with words after all.

You would have to wonder why he would even bother his EX-girlfriend with one of his so called projects. She did not have a relationship with him anymore. He had no right to contact her with any kind of request...period! She is a lifeguard...not an activist. She had her own duties to perform. She just couldn't drop everything to help him do his job. Her time spent with her grandfather at that beach happened a long time ago. They were now childhood memories. Current conditions of the beach would be foreign to her if she had not been there since then. Depending on the location, land changes a bit over time. Activists always have a group to work with when there is a major project. They plan and decide what the best way is for them to go. Besides, the way Drew's eyes scrolled over her body, you could have easily figured the real reason for his return. Drew is a total loser and should let go of the useless fantasies of Kekoa and move on. It is apparent that she has no interest in him. It's over.

Leigh and J.D. were cleaning the boats. She wanted to know what was wrong with him. She asked if he was ever going to tell her what was going on this morning. He just told her that it was personal junk. Nothing important. He asked her to hand him another rag. Leigh assumed that it was junk named Jessie. J.D. told Leigh that this happened before she came to The Center and he didn't want to talk about it. Leigh kept pursuing and found that he spoke to her. He told her that he did, but so what? Leigh said nothing but it was just that they had broken up and she returned to the mainland. She was going to express what she thought, but J.D. interrupted her.

His anger was suddenly way out of control. He didn't like what happened today. How Kekoa was chosen to patrol the beach. He was only to cover what he called the TRAINEE WATER GAMES with her. Leigh was proud of the work they did and reminded J.D. that these were not games. Training is what they did. But he added that they saved lives too. He then started yelling. About how Kekoa's beach just blew up in her face. He was backing her up! They had to ditch the training! Sean had to run off to kiss up in Waikiki! Tell him the way to run an operation! Leigh told him to back off. Sean had no choice there. J.D. said that they all have choices. Some of them can screw you up really bad.

Leigh just stared at him. J.D. realized that he was yelling and suddenly went silent. He just sat and admitted that Jessie dumped her boyfriend and wanted him back. Leigh wanted to know if that was good or bad. He said that he loved Jessie. Leigh was waiting for him give her a bit more information.

J.D. just told her how simple Jessie made it. Her or lifeguarding. She wanted an answer by tomorrow night. Leigh said that it didn't sound like she made it simple at all. J.D. turned his head to see Sean pull up at Headquarters in a lifeguard truck. He sighed and told Leigh that he would talk to her later. J.D. was not in the mood to deal with the True Believer right now so he got up and out of the scarab. He raced off just as Sean approached the boat. In order to greet J.D., Sean yelled after him. Sean asked Leigh what the problem was with the Troubled Genius. She just told him that J.D. just called him the True Believer. Sean mentioned that they had been friends for a long time. He asked about Zack. Leigh explained that he had two bruised ribs and a battered ego. The doctor was fixing him up now. Sean realized that Kekoa got lucky. Leigh pointed out that she got a lot of help from J.D.

Well, it is about time that J.D. confided in someone. J.D.'s past never revealed anything about knowing Sean for a long time. When he came to The Center, it was evident that the two had never met before. J.D. came to The Center upon Mitch's urging. He would have done anything for Mitch. It would have been safer to say that Sean had known J.D. as long as he had known Jessie. For one year! It was Mitch who had known both men for a long time.

Leigh had found a way to make things easier for Sean. Get his life more organized. Sean offered his thanks, but assured her that he could juggle schedules with the best of them. Besides, it was his life. Leigh gave Sean a taste of his own medicine by telling him that it wasn't. It was also The Team's. Sean really didn't want to hear this right now and told Leigh that as soon as he could get a few things cleared up. Leigh brought out that psychologists had a word for this and it wasn't a river in Egypt. He told her to lay off and let him worry about it before walking away. And she yelled after him that she was sure that he would. For you much younger fans, Leigh was referring to the word denial instead of the river in Egypt's The Nile.

The doctor was finishing up with Zack. His ribs were taped up. J.D. approached them with a cup of hot coffee for Zack. A shocked Zack accepted it and thanked him. He took a sip. J.D. told him that it was his pleasure. He leaned against a counter. He was waiting for the doctor to finish, but more time was being taken than expected. He asked the doctor if he could give them more privacy. Zack told him that it was bogus how first impressions could be. He thought J.D. was this jack-looted, stark-shupid, fallacious-foud, and factious dip-lock. Well, this was the best I could do in making out what Zack said. When he gets like this, I can never understand what he is trying to say. When the doctor was gone, J.D. poured right into Zack. What did he think he was doing out there? Zack realized that J.D. had used what electronics sales people refer to as the bait and switch. He told him to stay put until he got back. Zack said that he did and then this bogus set of waves came in and nearly wiped them out. He further explained that he had to bring him in.

That's just it! From where he was, there was no way in! And then he put himself between the victim and the rocks. Zack defended himself with that he was trying to keep the victim safe. J.D. told Zack that by knocking himself out, that was the way to kill him. Zack brought up the fact that J.D. was the one who chased the boy with the Jet Ski right off of his beach and over to the rocks. J.D. told Zack not to even think about going there. He told him that was good! He said trust me! Instead he was out there playing half fast hero.

The scene was causing attention. Zack told him that he was not an idiot. He was a trained lifeguard. J.D. pointed out that he wasn't in these waters! J.D. got worse. He continued and added not for Zack to get creative out there and make more work for them when they were understaffed and overworked. Sean appeared before the scene.

Sean told J.D. to take it easy on Zack. He may have made a mistake, but he was trying. He trusted his instinct. They didn't wanna kill that. They just wanted help him make better choices. J.D. then started on Sean. He meant like his choosing to hang out in Waikiki? Sucking up to some old girlfriend while all hell broke loose on their beaches? They were the ones left in the real world tripping over trainees, pulling bodies out of the surf! Sean cautioned J.D. to go somewhere and cool off. Zack had to add his opinion pointing out that J.D. was totally going mad. Sean told Zack to take a hike! But Zack kept going, adding that Sean was the boss and he didn't have to listen to J.D. Sean told him NOW!

There was no reason for J.D. to blow up at Zack this way. Everyone got out alive! Even the victim who had the heart attack. The writers didn't even touch this one. We would have liked to have heard something concerning that victim. I am sure that Zack learned something here (you would hope). And then J.D. attacked the boss? That was suicide. We all know how hard Sean can be! And he was an unbending, frozen unforgiving meanie! From me these are kind words for his last season's hardened persona.

Zack did as he was told, easing himself out of the arena. The crowd had gotten even more interested now that J.D. was telling Sean off. They exhibited fear in their eyes and wondered what would happen. Zack just looked at the crowd and just hid his bruised ego. Sean walked away from J.D., but J.D. wouldn't let him until he was finished. "HEY!" He yelled angrily. Sean tried to walk away reasonably because he figured that J.D. was tired and overworked. But J.D. wouldn't let him do even that. Sean stopped and turned to face him. He told J.D. to cool off and he meant it.

J.D. approached Sean defiantly. He stood close-in his face. He told Sean that he knew what he meant. The next time when it's not working out maybe it was time that he made better choices! Because the ones he was making were driving this team in turmoil! Sean tried to get him to calm down without his having to give J.D. the boot. He told J.D. that they were all friends. They were all tired! They were all pushing it! They were all sick of not getting everything they wanted or needed to do their job, live their lives or sleep through the night. J.D. told Sean that he just couldn't stop pouring it on, could he? He didn't have a life, so why should any of them? Sean cautioned that this wasn't about him. He was the one who had been a hard case for the last week.

J.D. remarked if that was it. That's the lousy, unprofessional way he ran this team! Jason and Leigh who had been looking on and felt uneasy about the situation, intervened. Jason tried to take care of J.D. and Leigh tried for Sean. Leigh tried making peace by getting them to take it easy. Now it was Sean who wasn't finished. He was going to have his say. He told J.D. to take a couple of days off or he would cut him off The Team permanently! Although shocked that Sean would say such a thing to him, J.D. rebounded to save face. It wasn't such a bad idea. He then walked out. Sean walked off in the other direction. Leigh and Jason both had been left stunned and speechless. The crowd finally broke up. The show was over.

It really hurt Sean to be forced to threaten J.D., but he had no choice. J.D. was acting like a spoiled child. He knew that it was over between him and Jessie a long time ago. It's funny how he never thought about her until she called him with the ultimatum. And Sean was right for not running out after J.D. for fear that he would really quit.

Mr. Greer, Axel's father opened the door to The Training Center Headquarters. He had a bomb of his own to drop. Kekoa saw him and apologized for the incident that happened earlier. He just charged past her as if she didn't exist. He spotted Sean at a desk, assumed that he was the leader and walked up to him. After being asked if he was the big boss, Sean turned around to face the man. He informed Mr. Greer that he was the Captain of The Team, if tha'ts what he meant. Mr. Greer wasn't interested in titles. He chewed Sean out about his son nearly dying on one of his beaches because of the incompetence of the so-called team. He was adding assault by one of his professionals. The man paused a bit before continuing. Sean and his team would be looking at a huge lawsuit. Mr. Greer told Sean to rescue himself from that. Mr. Greer stormed out, brushing himself between Zack and Carrie. Sean watched, sitting on the edge of the desk with his arms folded. What next?

Jason kept pace with J.D. and was trying to convince him not to leave the team. J.D. told Jason that Sean was the one who pulled the plug. Jason assured him that it was just for a couple of days. He didn't want to see him get on the plane. But J.D. told Jason that he had a tough choice to make. It was about Jessie. Jason admitted that he already knew because Leigh told him. J.D. was angry and snapped that she didnt waste any time spreading the news. Jason just told J.D. that Leigh didn't care about him. It was a team thing. J.D. saw it as his not being on the team right now. Jason realized that he belonged in Hawaii with them, not in Sacramento!

A small interruption here, fans! I know that you are getting into the review, but tisk, tisk! Those writers! It's quite a shame that they never viewed at least the last season's episodes to get a feel for the show. This is really making me nauseous. First of all, Jessie never left J.D. The relationship was over long before the blonde beauty left Hawaii. It was J.D. who had lost interest in Jessie over a series of episodes last season. It was J.D. who wooed Jessie out to Hawaii at Mitch's urging. She was preparing for a Maui race. Mitch claimed that they were two of Baywatch's best and he wanted them as a part of his team. Hmmmmm...J.D.....yes. He had been a lifeguard for 12 years at the time. But Jessie was a raw talent in training who had been given a pass into rookie school by Mitch without the benefit of proving herself against other hopefuls. She was still pretty much a rookie. She had a lot of problems last season as she trained.

J.D. promised her that if she came to Hawaii with him, he would help her prepare for the race. She agreed to go on that condition alone. It was made pretty clear. Well, he never did keep that promise. So in love with her in California! While wooing her to Hawaii, he even talked about them getting married. But that love just seemed to evaporate once he got to Hawaii. He let his wandering eyes get the best of him. Kekoa was the first he stared at with no top on and he opted not to look away. Kekoa didn't even bother to pull the top of her swimsuit up over her large chest as she spoke to him...with a smile.

At Headquarters, Kekoa found the courage to approach Sean. She noted although she wanted to talk and Sean said that they could, he was looking over some documents. He didn't seem to be paying any particular attention. She explained that this old friend of hers was there from Hawaii. He was an activist of the Native Island Group. "Uh-huh..." He said. She went on. There's an unspoiled beach that she used to fish at when she was a kid. Before she could get anything else out, Sean automatically stated that she could not take any days off. He had never even bothered to look up from his work. Kekoa was determined and stressed on how important this project was. The waters are treacherous to swim in-even for the locals. Sean just told her that he could not spare her. Leigh had just stepped up to them interrupting. It was very important and bad news.

Sean sighed and said, "Now what? Someone drain the ocean?" She told him that they just got served by Greer's lawyers. She was now holding up the documents. Sean took them. He really couldn't believe that Greer was really going after them. He then looked over the papers. Kekoa thought that it was her fault and apologized. Sean assured her that it had nothing to do with her. Kekoa still left the two in disappointment.

I just can't understand all of the trouble that this Lifeguard Training Center is going through. Mitch must have left SOME money in a bank account somewhere for Sean to use. He also must have picked out a lawyer for the business and had business insurance. All businesses have bank accounts! And Mr. Greer's wanting to slap a lawsuit on them is just plain ridiculous! His son, Axel caused the whole incident. I use the word incident because it was NO accident. An accident is something that is done unforseen in error. It is unintentional. This on the other hand was a well thought out malicious act. This really does happen often on real beaches. Some surfers and Jetskiers think that they own the waters. They hurt others to get them off what they claim is their territory. The truth is, everyone who pays income taxes has the right to USE all public places including bodies of water like an ocean or a lake. Mr. Greer, who had been cheering his son on while he endangered the swimmers would lose this case without a doubt. As a general rule of thumb, lifeguards rescue who is closest. They override it if another victim in the water is severely injured and the closest victim can stay afloat.

At the Hilton Hawaiian Village we find most of the group at its Hilton Tropics Bar and Beach Club. At a table, J.D. complained bitterly to Jason and Leigh. He rambled on how Sean needed his salary to pay the gas bill. Leigh told J.D. that he knew that Sean would pay him every cent. But he couldn't afford them this lawsuit. How could they fight when they didn't even have money to pay bills? J.D., who was still grumbling, stated as far as he was concerned, Sean brought it on himself. He kept whining and pining. After Jason made a comment about Sean, J.D. him why he put up with him. Jason told him because he wasn't leaving yet. A young girl in a bikini eyed Jason and if anyone out there was alert enough to notice, she had passed the table more than once during the trios conversation. Jason looked back with a smile. J.D. grumbled that there doesn't seem to be much left before raising his glass to his lips. Leigh got fed up and told J.D., that if he really felt that way, maybe he should leave. She was fed up with his immature whining that seemed more appropriate for a young boy like Jason to do.

And speaking of Jason, he had gotten up to go over to meet the girl who was not going to leave anyway. She kept sniffing around their table. J.D. seemed a bit stunned at Leigh's remark. He told her that she said herself that he couldn't fight this lawsuit! Leigh defended herself by telling him just watch her! She got up and left, taking her drink with her. As she left, Kekoa stepped up to J.D.'s table. Kekoa greeted him. J.D. greeting her in return. He said that he just chased all of his friends away. Not quite all, she told him. She smiled at him and sat down.

Well, it was apparent that Kekoa was interested in J.D. in the first place. Basically, you could see it coming last season right from the start. You know, the moment she stood topless to give him a long, long, LONG lingering full view. I will get to see if my guess is right as the season goes on. As for Jason, I wish that he would find some other hobby. A more positive one than just using girls for his selfish one night lustful urges and then discarding them as if they were soiled tissue. The audience doesn't need another Logan Fowler. And fans of the original Baywatch format remember what he was like. At least Logan was legally old enough to drink. 

At another table, some of the trainees hung out. They could view Jason's talking to the girl. Zack, who was jealous remarked that "Our boy sure is a babe magnet Carrie! He's already been in the promised land more times than we will ever be." "You've got that right!" Carrie said in disappointment, more to herself than to the others. Zack seemed very pleased with this. He seemed to have the idea that he had a chance with her. Carrie began to tear a bit. Zack asked the group what The Mountain was. Carrie said through her bitter tears that somebody said, whatever it was, he loses.

Zack bragged that he would beat Jason at whatever it was. He has done some serious rock climbing. Carrie just kept staring at Jason. It was too bad that she didn't see it coming. She became one of his soiled tissues.

I must admit that the group of trainees for the Lifeguard Training Center is quite boring and the less time that is spent on them, the better. Zack seems more like a character more suited for the NBC comedy, Just Shoot Me. You know, as Finch's (David Spade) kid brother. It could be the other way around, you know. ((((LAUGHING)))) It's who I think of every time this guy opens his mouth. His hair? He really should invest in a comb! This type of character just isn't Baywatch material. Couldn't the Executive Producers and casting people have gotten him or someone else who could make the character actually interesting to watch?

And when I look at this lifeguard group in training, they just don't come across as being extremely young on the screen. Those close-ups say a lot. The actors all must be at least 25 years old. And just to let you know, I have never seen anyone from Chicago who seems more like a rejected Valley Boy. Native Chicagoans are more conservative and have seemingly no accent. You know, the accent is very, very bland. Most sound more like the standard of most news anchors and movies so that everyone can understand them. To tell you the truth, Zack would get laughed right out of Chicago! Right out of the whole midwestern area as a matter of fact! 

On the beach, Kekoa and J.D. walked along the shoreline. He explained that being a lifeguard was just another gig to Jessie. What she really wanted was a normal life. Security, kids and a home. Kekoa asked him that now he was trying to put it all together? J.D. told her that he watched her walk out of his life once. He's been beating himself up over that ever since. Kekoa didn't really want him to leave, so she used her current situation as a guide for him. An old boyfriend of hers just showed up again. After they broke up, they had their truces for about a year. Crying all the time over something that never was. But, she stuck with her choice. And now that she saw him again, she knew that she made the right one.

Excuse me again fans! First of all, Jessie didn't want a conventional life as we all remembered in the 9th season episode, The Natural. She was the super athletic, adventurous type who was trying to make it as a stuntwoman. A lot of the episodes focused on this. She wanted this so bad that she could almost taste it. The writers seemed to have forgotten all about that. She had a lot of business cards as her character was fashioned after Baywatch's comic maintenance man, Guido in the beginning. And judging by her sweet and innocent personality, Jessie would never give J.D. a choice like that-her or the Lifeguard Training Center. She knew that he had a career as a lifeguard. Besides, she was a lifeguard herself. Helping people meant a lot to her.

J.D. told Kekoa that it was great for her, but what happens when she meets the right guy? When she falls in love? Kekoa said with confidence that the right guy will love her for who she is and what she does. They stopped walking. Kekoa told him that he has a real life here. With real friends. Not some fantasy feature on the mainland. And if she was him, she'd think long and hard before giving it up. J.D. whined that all he's ever wanted to be was a lifeguard. Now? He couldn't even remember why! He then told her thanks before he left. Leigh who seems to get around a lot was soon standing next to Kekoa, watching J.D. as he walked away. She asked how he was doing. Kekoa told her honestly that she didn't know.

Kekoa should have just come out to say that she was interested and didn't want him to go back to Jessie. J.D. had real friends in LA as well. He seemed very happy there when he came back to Baywatch after trying to get over the pier accident with a victim. Since he was close to Mitch (and believe me, Mitch favored him a lot), it would have been better if his behavior had been grief as a result of his death. It would have been more justified and believable than a fantasized breakup that he caused. That night, J.D. was getting up the courage to call Jessie. He then hung up and angrily threw the phone across the room. It broke the framed photo of him and Jessie as it fell to the floor.

Sean and Kekoa walked toward a tower with equipment. She had been talking about Drew. She had assured Sean that she had nothing going on with him. She told him that before she went to bed last night, she pulled out her favorite picture album. It was all her gramps. Half those pictures were taken at that beach. Sean told her that he knew that this place has a lot of sentimental value for her. He headed down the ramp part of the way. She told him that this was not sentimental. This is part of the island and part of her. She looked up at him while he was on the ramp. People go down to this beach and die. She was talking unsafe waters. She added that she knew that this lawsuit was making life even more difficult for him. She felt really responsible. Sean told her that it wasn't her fault. This guy was just a hump. She told Sean that with everything that's going on around here theres nothing left. She whined that everything to believe in around here takes second place. Sean stood his ground to tell her again that he didn't have anyone to cover her shift.

Kekoa suggested J.D. He was available. Sean hated the thought of putting someone out there on the beach with a bad attitude problem. Sean huffed that he didn't EVEN hear that! She told Sean that J.D. didn't know it yet but he needed this. Sean told her that J.D. needed rest. Kekoa corrected him, stating that J.D. needed trust. He gave up a lot to come to Hawaii to join The Training Center. Kekoa thought that Sean owed him that much. Sean was skeptical, but wore the expression of guilt.

Well, it looks as if The Iceberg has a heart after all! The team just keep chipping away at it. He was just such an Artic Freezing Cold chunk of ice in the beginning. Now he seems human and is a bit more likable. He is almost even charming at times.

Elsewhere on the beach, Jason was training the lifeguards. They all looked out over the ocean. Jason introduced The Mountain. With that introduction, a humungous man pops to the surface of the water. He WAS...The Mountain. A Sumo wrestler. He was to play the role of their rescue victim. All 475 pounds of him!

Sean, who was also there saw J.D. walking away to patrol the beach. When he caught up with J.D., he tried to talk to him again. He wanted to thank him for taking over Kekoa's shift on such a short notice. With a cold tone, J.D. told Sean that it was no problem and he didn't need much rest. He left Sean stunned. Kekoa met her old boyfriend, Drew. He was already telling her where they would drop the banners and get the signs up toward the edges of the cliff.

This brought back memories for Kekoa concerning the area. When they were kids, they used to call this Devil's Hole. Kekoa said of the partially encased waters below them. The sharp rocks, lava tombs and rips. They made their way down the rocks to get a bit closer to the water. But Drew seemed to have only one thing on his mind since he first saw her again. He was making unwanted advances at her. Kekoa didn't understand and was not amused. She reminded Drew that they were here for this beach.

He said yes, but understand that he was always here for her. She was his Island Queen. He tried to make physical advances and she yanked her shoulder out of his grip. She told Drew that he dragged her all the way out here for this junk. Drew told her that he was not trying to dig up old bones. Kekoa told him that he dug up her grandfather's bones to get her up here. He just shot back not like the way she used him against her dad. She tried to leave, but he prevented her. She just said of years ago. So she played him-so what? He played too. It was dust! It's done! Years! None of that mattered now. She made him understand that it was over.

He told her not to trip. He wasn't trying to pick her out. But her-here! It was heavy! She asked him if there was even a hotel. He made an expression as if thinking of an answer. He told her that there was. Kekoa took him at his word and placed her hand on the side of his face. She gave him a forgiving smile. He pulled her toward him and he started kissing her. She order Drew to back off! He stopped and backed up, only to fall into the water below. "Drew!" She cried and immediately jumped in to rescue him. She swam over against the current and managed to grab Drew.

Meanwhile, the trainees make their attempts to rescue The Mountain against the clock. Everyone had failed. After Zack had finished his failed attempt against the stop watch, Jason told them all that they needed to rely on team work. It had to be in their blood before they left.

Honestly! And these are already experienced lifeguards from different cities! What kind of beaches do they patrol and protect? Were they REALLY trained? Have they even had the chance to do any rescues? You would have to think that at least one of them had the brains to figure out that it would take several lifeguards to swim this 475 pound guy in if it had been a real situation! Other lifeguards always go into the water if the other doing the rescue is having problems or to provide backup. Also, other lifeguards provide backup at the shoreline in case the rescuer cant make it all the way to shore with the victim.

Leigh greeted Mr. Greer. She introduced him to the couple her son almost killed. Mr. Greer stared at them to the husband who stood behind and held onto the wheelchair that his wife occupied. Mr. Greer's expression was an indication of serious thought.

Kekoa managed to get Drew against the rocks. Kekoa also managed to get her radio out of her blue jeans phone pocket. She managed to get a message out to Sean. She told whoever was listening that she needed assistance. Sean, who was packing his truck, heard the call. J.D., who was patrolling the beach also heard it on his radio. Sean told her that he was at the docks. he was loading the gear right now! ETA. 10 to 15 minutes. He told her to hang in there. He then ran over and hopped on a Jet Ski. J.D. ran over and hopped on one behind him.

J.D. told him that he was going with him. Sean asked him if he was still a hard case. J.D. told him that he probably was, but he was working on it. Sean tossed a bag of gear to J.D. The two were soon on their way. Kekoa fought hard to hold on without letting go of Drew. Sean and J.D. had to stop at the opening of the water. Sean told J.D. that they couldnt get to them from the water. He told J.D. to take the right and he would take the left. They would do a CODE BLACK.

Sean got the rope from the trunk of his Jet Ski and J.D., a yellow rescue life saver (older version before the rescue can). The two dived into the water and made way on the rocks across from each other. Sean gathered enough line to throw across for J.D. to catch. He told Kekoa that when he gave word she was to let go and grab the line. The current would swing them down to J.D. and he would pull them out. He asked if she got what he said. She told him that she got it. They were all set and Sean yelled "Go."

Kekoa let go and the two were carried toward the line that stretched across. She grabbed it. J.D. started pulling them toward him. Sean let go of his end when J.D. had them close. He had Drew and pulled him up to safety. It was now Kekoa's turn. She was told by J.D. to give him her hand. She lacked the strength to hold onto the line. She was carried away from him. Sean immediately jumped in to swim over to get her. He swam her back over as far as he could to J.D. The current wouldn't allow them to get any closer. J.D. looped the rescue life saver for Sean to grab. He just missed it and J.D. tried again. Sean caught it this time as J.D. pulled them in. He had the line anchored around the front of his athletic shoe. He pulled Kekoa up to safety. He then grabbed Sean's hand and had to work with both hands to grasp up Sean's arm for a firm grip. J.D. paused before pulling Sean up as if deciding whether he'd pull him up or let him go. Well...this was the way I interpreted it! The two seemed to lock eyes for the longest moment. J.D. then finally pulled him up. They were all safe.

Now this scene provided keen interest! Quick thinking on the rescue and especially the interaction between the two men. During the rescue, all bad feelings had to be pushed aside. They had to think about the victim and Kekoa. Trust and teamwork were heavily relied on. It kept my interest.

And when J.D. was ready to pull Sean up and deliberately paused, seeming as if he was choosing between pulling him up or letting him go, I had to admit that I almost hated him here. The two men locked eyes for a long moment. And in that situation, it seemed like an eternity. How could you just pause like that before pulling someone up? When J.D. did finally pull him up, they seemed to understand each other.

Later at the bar, Jason and the trainees enjoyed drink and food with The Mountain. The man seemed to be at home with everyone and was enjoying himself. At the table, Sean and Leigh were talking. Sean was sharing his feelings concerning J.D. with her. He had never been so angry at a man in his life. He could have killed him with his bare hands. Then he showed him that they shared the same...he didn't know...part. The same need to believe. What he figured out was is that they believed in the same thing. He guess he didn't accept that his heart was breaking. Leigh told Sean that she really liked the way he looked at people. He never gives up.

Sean thanked her and added that things were starting to work out for them. But now they had the lawsuit to deal with. Leigh reassured him that she thought there might be light at the end of the tunnel. He told her for an oncoming train. Leigh told him to trust the team and her too. She smiled and then placed her hand on his. Sean told her that he was beginning to. They smiled at each other for a long moment.

It seems apparent that Sean and Leigh are attracted to each other. Sean was very charming at the table with Leigh. He seemed very modest and sweet when he smiles at Leigh although he tries desperately to control it. Almost a bit shy. Throughout the episode he had the patience of an angel. With J.D., he needed it.

Meanwhile J.D. and Kekoa were walking and J.D. was still excited about the rescue. He babbled on about how they made an amazing rescue today. She jumped in to save her friend. Sean jumped in to save her. Kekoa told him about an old Hawaiian saying, Po Ho Pakahi (I hope that I spelled this correctly. I am not great in spelling Hawaiian words). She told him what it meant and that they all have a shared dream. As they were talking, Mr. Greer approached them. He had been looking for Kekoa. Kekoa felt very uncomfortable. But she managed to speak. "Yeah?" The man looked at her. J.D. asked if there was something on his mind.

Mr. Greer told them that he had had a long talk with his son at the hospital. And with their lawyer. They were not going to sue. That young injured couple. The man's wife was injured forgave them because of the kind intervention from one of their team. If they forgave him, who was he not to forgive them? They saved his son's life. Both lifeguards thanked him. With that, the man started on his way without so much as a "you're welcomed." They were relieved. Kekoa then asked J.D. if he remembered now why he did this job. J.D. said that Sean has a point. Kekoa insisted that maybe he ought to tell Sean that.

J.D. said that he didn't know, maybe later. Then he invited her for a cup of coffee. Mimicking him, she told him that she didnt know. Maybe later. He laughed as they left. J.D. went to apologize to Sean, who was working. He pretended as though he was looking through some things at the desk. He made the sound of clearing his throat for Sean to look up. Sean had been viewing some documents. J.D. walked over and tried to sound approachable. He asked Sean what he was reading.

Sean explained that it was Leigh's business proposal. Leigh said that it would get them organized and out of the red. J.D. thought that it was a good idea. Sean told J.D. that if he came to get into it again, he was too tired. J.D. told Sean that he didnt come here for that. He told Sean about the old Hawaiian phrase Po Ho Pakahi. Sean said that he knew about it. J.D. stated that he had just learned about it. Sean finally understood. He stood up and walked around his desk to face J.D. J.D. didnt know what to expect. Sean just gave him a warm, reassuring hug. He then told J.D. where tomorrow's schedule was. After J.D. was gone, Sean smiled to himself, shaking his head. He then went back to his proposal.

J.D. has a hard time in the pride department. Admitting that he was wrong and trying to apologize isn't one of his strongest points. Even though J.D. made the gesture, it was still Sean who had to do the making up. J.D. then called Jessie and received her answering machine. He left a message. He made his choice. He told her to give him a call and they could talk. Feeling better, he then walked outside to see Kekoa standing there waiting for him. He asked her that cup of coffee. She thought hed never ask. They walked off into the moonlight.

This is the second episode and again despite the flaws, the main plot was actually interesting enough to watch. The shows promos boasted A New Attitude in their bid to attract more viewers. A New Attitude is right, except for the fact that it isn't a good one. They really need to do quite a bit of cleaning up in a lot of areas to make the show family friendly again. The show got a TV rating of PG, yet there is a lot of cussing just for the heck of cussing. For a state that constantly bombard viewers with advertising, customs and heritage throughout each episode, is Hawaii actually proud of that? Less trips to The Tropics Bar would be another improvement. Heroes making a living saving lives should drink in moderation. Or better yet, not at all. Constantly hanging out at this bar does not give a positive message to younger viewers. Also, there is way too much explicit emphasis on nudity and sex. It should be toned down. Since the show's change, it appears that the writers just don't believe in leaving anything to the imagination. And of course, there is the overall use of language. I guess it is supposed to be English, but seems more in the way of Slang Overkill or Rap. In any case, they need to kill it for good! It won't make the reruns look good, that's for sure.

Michael Bergin's improvement in the acting department was a pleasant surprise. Jason Brooks' strong acting skills and the relationship between J.D. and Sean kept this one alive and strong enough to receive a fair rating. I hope that with two consecutive passable episodes is an indication that the season will get better.  My Score: 2 Rescue Cans

Next Review: Bad Boyz


SEASON 1        SEASON 2        SEASON 3        SEASON 4        SEASON 5       
SEASON 6        SEASON 7        SEASON 8        SEASON 9        SEASON 10        SEASON 11