BERM Where sand and surf meet and a step
or smooth but steep hill is formed.
BREAKERS Tells the kifeguard where it is
shallow enough to stand.
CAMELS Any wood or timber, like objects
found int he ocean.
CHOP A short, rough wave (also light chop
and heavy chop).
CREST The top of a wave (the height).
DROP ZONE Dangerous area where the wave
breaks, its most critical point.
FLAT Not surf, water resembles a lake.
GLASS A still condition that resembles a
mirror, usuallly early morning, but can be any time there is a liff in the wind or weather.
LUFF A pause in the wind.
LULL A break in wave action (a good time
to go outside).
PLUNGING WAVES Hard breaking or crashing
RIP CURRENT (Rip Tide) When waves break
in shallow water with rapid succession.
RIPPLE Light wind wave.
SEICHE Waves that move like sloshing water,
side to side in a bathtub.
SOUP Foam.
SPILLING WAVES Gentle or feathering waves.
TROUGH Area underneath a wave.
UNDERTOW A term often confused with
UPRUSH Remainder of water that runs up on