FIBRILLATION It produces the condition
known as cardiac arrest, in which no heartbeat, pulse or blood pressure can be detected. If the condition
is not corrected, death or permanent brain damage will result within a few minutes. The most common cause of fribrillation
is a heart attack. Fibrillation is corrected by means of an Electric Defibrillator. It consists of a pair of
metal paddles that are placed on the patient's chest to allow a single jolt of direct-current electricity from the defibrillator.
The electricity is passed directly into the heart to shock it back into its normal rhythm. The machine is also used
to restart a heart which has been stopped for purposes of heart surgery. A smaller, portable version of the defibrillator
has been made available for rescue teams and are equipped in public places where people congregate including airports and
cruise ships.
process of removing the fins from a shark and then throwing it back into the ocean and leaving it to die. Finning
is done on a worldwide scale. Finning was banned in the United States on December 1999. Former President Clinton had passed
a legislation to ban finning in US waters. He called the practice cruel. And now sharks have protection to save their population.