LIFEBOAT A boat that is
resistant to sinking or blundering. They are usually 15 feet long (8 to 15m). They fall into two classes; those that can be carried aboard ship and those used for rescue missions from shore. Shore based Lifeboats are exceptionally
sturdy, buoyant, manuverable and stable in surf and heavy seas. They are often motor driven, steel-hulled, double-bottomed
and self-bailing. They self-right themselves in the event of capsizing and given an exceptional broad beam for maximum stability.
Lifeboats and Liferafts of rubber are also widely used, especially as rescue and survival equipment onboard ships.
swimmer who is a member of a rescue team and is well-trained and assigned to serve and protect beachgoers
and swimmers. They watch and guard areas of the populated beach and waters.
LIFEJACKET A life preserver
that resembles a jacket without sleeves.
LIFELINE A rope for saving lives, as one
thrown to a person in water or in a dangerous situation on land. A lifeline is also used to raise and lower a diver in
water or a member of a rescue team.
LIFE PRESERVER Any device in the form of a jacket,
belt or ring that can keep a person afloat in the water.
LIFE SIGNS (also called VITALS) Vitals such
as heartbeat, breathing, pulse or blood pressure can be detected to sustain life. (Please see VITALS)