A sailboat raced along, pulling a parasailer along. Cody kept a close eye on them through his binoculars. Cody saw Mitch's
lifeguard truck and started down his tower ramp after grabbing his rescue can. Mitch noticed a couple in suits.
"Top 'O the mornin'." Mitch said.
"Top 'O the mornin' to ya." Cody said.
"What is he doing?" Mitch asked.
"He's looking for the new..." Cody said giving Mitch a card. "Miss Hot Tomali."
"I'd ask, but I don't wanna know," Mitch said, looking at the card and then giving it back to Cody. Cody then noticed
the paragliding boat about to hit a bouy full of sea lions. The boat's driver had his eyes on the parasailer instead of where
he was going.
"Mitch," Cody said. The driver turned to notice the bouy and just avoided it at the last second. This caused the glider
to hit the water.
"Call for backup!" Mitch said.
"Looks like Bayguard's already on it man." Cody said.
"Just call for backup." Mitch said, getting his rescue can and heading out to the water with his jacket on.
"All right," Cody said. He went to Mitch truck radio, "Headquarters, this is Madison. We've got a parasailer down.
"The Bayguard truck made its way at top speed to the scene. They skidded to a complete stop sideways. A team
of two men quickly got a Sea Doo from the back and into the water. One of the guys grabbed two rescue cans. They
were soon heading out on the Sea Doo to the victim. Mitch stopped short of shore, still in his jacket to watch in
shock. The two were already out rescuing the parasailer. Behind Mitch was a sectioned off area with gold ribbon and a sign
that said KEEP OUT. Another Bayguard lifeguard hurried to the scene. Meanwhile, at the rescue scene, one of the men jumped
in and the other said, "Watch his neck. Go!"
"Relax buddy, I got you!"
"Cody soon joined Mitch. "They did it again," he said.
"How'd they get there so fast?" Mitch asked more to himself than to Cody. The guards got the victim onto the Sea
"Go on," said the guard who was still in the water. "Get him in!" The Sea Doo took off.
"Good question," Cody said. Both were still looking on in shock.
The trucks rolled down the street.
"What's with the blue uniforms? And what in the heck is Bayguard?" Cody asked.
"You don't wanna know." Mitch said.
"Yeah, I do," Cody said.
Bayguard lifeguards were bringing in the victim,. J.D. soon joined Mitch and Cody. "What's going on there?" He asked.
It was as if he had never spoken.
"That's the second time this week." Cody said.
"It looks like they've taken over the Sand and Sea too." Mitch said.
"Will somebody fill me in with what's going on?" J.D. asked. "Who are these guys?" When he didn't receive and answer,
J.D. went over toward the Bayguard truck to find out.
"All right everybody, excuse me. Break it up. Party's over. Excuse me." One of the lifeguards said. She signaled to a
male guard. This man whispered in her ear while she nodded, looking at Mitch and Cody. She walked up to Mitch and extended
her hand for him to shake. "Alex Ryker, Captain. Bayguard Lifesaving Services. My friends call me Alex." She then folded her
arms. "So, I finally get to meet the legendary Mitch Buchannon."
"Legendary according to who?" He asked.
"According to the background check I ran on you." She said.
"Background check?" He asked.
"Yep," she said. "I've got a copy back at the office if you'd like to see it."
"No, first I'd like to see the permit for the parasailer." He stated.
"Actually, that's back at the office as well." She said. "But, you know what? You're absolutely right. It is way too
dangerous out here for parasailing." She turned toward one of her guards. "Arnie, could you tell Mr. Cole that we're cutting
down the parasailing extension?" Alex's attention then returned to Mitch. "Why don't I show you around?" She added "You might
learn a few things."
Mitch feigned a smile and tagged along. A sign BAYGUARD LIFEGUARD was being hoisted onto their new Headquarters.
"And then we picked up the lease on your old account at Headquarters," she explained. "Now tell me-why would you give
that up?"
"We lost it at the last round of budget cuts." He said.
"Ah-ha," Alex said.
"You're putting a lot of money into this place." Mitch said.
"Yep, now with the addition of the Sand and Sea, Bayguard now has contracts with every private club from Palas
Verdes to the Ventura County line." Alex said.
"Private beaches only make up 10% of the cost line," Mitch said.
"8%," she corrected him. "But whose counting?"
"So why are you going after all of my people to work for you?" Mitch asked.
"Is that the buzz around Headquarters?" She asked.
"That's the buzz," Mitch said. "But that's not the answer to my question."
"You may not be aware of this, but next Friday, Baywatch's contract with the County is going to expire." She said.
"You're going after our contract?" He asked.
"It's called privatization. It is the latest trend in public service. It's happening in healthcare, education, you name
it." Alex said. "Now, if we can provide the County with a more efficient service for less money, well then, why not?"
"You're not serious," Mitch said.
'Oh, we're very serious." Alex assured him. "And actually, I am surprised by your reaction. I mean, I thought you'd be
up for a little healthy competition." They just stared at each other. Alex then smiled.
The Miss Hot Tomali search was on as Paolo Tomali and his assistant looked for contestants on the beach. A lifeguard
named Bridget looked on, shaking her head. Later, the two spot Bridget at her tower. They stood in front of the ramp, blocking
the way in case there was an emergency.
"Excuse me," she said. "Sir!" There was no answer. They ignored her. She tried again. "Excuse me. Hello!" Still no answer!
She grabbed her rescue can and made her way down the ramp. "Excuse me," she said. "Can I help you?"
"Por favor, I must focus here on my work." He said.
"No," Bridget said. "You can't just..."
He tried to explain with no success.
"You can't stand here." She told them.
"Please forgive my manners," he said. "I was just enthralled by your exquisite...how do I say it...bod!"
"I get the picture," she said nodding.
"Oh, bueno," he said.
"Look, it's not just me. You've been moving at every girl on this entire beach." Bridget.
He gave her his card, stating that it will explain everything. He had hoped to see her soon. She took it to humor him.
She then told them to move along and have a good day. After they left, she looked at the card, trying to decide if it was
worth keeping. She does and tucked it into the bust of her swimsuit.
There was a knock on the Chief's door. Mitch opened it and peeked into her office. "Hey Chief, you busy?" he asked.
"Mitch!" Chief Johnson exclaimed. "We were just talking about you!"
Alex Ryker was in the office with her. She waved to Mitch. "Hi, Mitch!"
"Hi," Mitch said. "Am I interrupting?"
"Uh, not at all." Alex said. "Actually, I'm glad you're here."
"Alex here made quite an interesting presentation." The Chief stated.
"Really? I'll bet she does." Mitch said.
"Hmmm...she was just showing a tape of some of her rescues." The Chief said.
"Really? Bayguard's greatest hits?" Mitch asked.
"It's uhhh...quite impressive." The Chief reminded him.
"You see," Alex said. "We videotape our company personnel on a daily basis. That way we can show our clients the quality
of work, and quite frankly, it keeps our lifeguards on their toes."
"They know they're going to be videotaped obviously they're going to be on their toes." Mitch said.
"And the probem with that is?" Alex asked.
"You said you had another tape?" The Chief asked.
"Yes," Alex said. "This one has a different cast of actors. So, I'm sure it'll look familiar to you."
Once the tape was inserted into the VCR and started, she controlled it with the remote. "This was taken during a
recent 8 hour shift." She said. "Let's start with Jack Darius. He's lining up a date for Saturday night." The next scene with
a speeding lifeguard truck. "That's Cody Madison going at top speed. It must be his lunch break. She went on to the next scene.
"April Giminski with her back to the water."
"I think I see where this is going." Mitch said.
Alex smiled deviously. The tape kept rolling. "Cody again! I wonder what he's talking about?" She said.
Mitch stared at the tape of Cody on the phone laughing, lying back in the tower's chair. The next scene showed a rescue
can propped up in the sand, nose down and the camrea zoomed up the tower ramp to find no one there! "It's the midde of the
afternoon and I believe Newmy is working out." Alex said. The scene with Bridget came up. Two surfboards were propped
against the tower. "What is she doing behind those boards? I wonder if she can see from that angle?" The empty tower was shown
again. "Two hours later, and Newmy's still working out?"
"Hold on a minute!" Mitch said.
"Wait, wait, wait!" Alex said. "And here we have Cody on the phone." The next scene did not look good at all. J.D. was
stretching and yawning! "And J.D. coming out of hibernation." Alex said, finishing up.
"What is this?" Mitch snapped. "A smear campaign?"
"It's a random sampling of what goes on out there!" Alex said.
"Taken totally out of context!" Mitch growled.
"I didn't say that there was anything scientific about it." She said, getting the tape out of the VCR. "All I'm saying
is that the public deserves the benefits of open competition. Now if the "powers that be" thinks that you're the better man
for the job, that's fine. I would just like to present our case."
"I'll set up a meeting with the County Commissioners," The Chief said.
"Thank you," Alex said.
"Based on what, videotape?" Mitch yelled.
"Based on the fact that it's ultimately their decision." The Chief said.
"This is un..I...I...don't believe this." Mitch said.
"But don't take it personally, Mitch. Lifeguarding has become a business, just like any other business." Alex said. She
handed the video over to the Chief. "Here you are Chief. Thank you." She then purposely "cleared" her throat and leaned toward
Mitch. "Welcome to the nineties."
He just looked at the Chief and she just looked at him in return with a "my hands are tied" expression on her face.
At Headquarters, April and Bridget were talking on deck. "I heard that she's offering everybody a job." April said.
"Word has it that she's taken over the entire beach." Bridget said.
Mitch made his way up the stairs and toward them. "Morning," he said. "Morning ladies. In the lounge please, in the lounge,
Mitch ordered, not shlowing his hurred pace. "In the lounge boys. Joe, Chris...in the lounge. Everybody!"
They all made their way toward the seating area. Mitch started in right away. "I'm sure you all heard the rumors, right?
Some of you may have been even offered jobs by now." Mitch said. "Here's what's going on...the County is considering Bayguard's
proposal, and to achieve that end, she made a little music video of all of you, minus the music."
Mitch proceeded to place the tape into the VCR, while everyone was wondering what was going on. "What you are about to
see is not for the faint of heart." He warned, grabbing the remote. "All right! Who can tell me, what's wrong with this picture?"
J.D. with woman was first up. "Awww, come on Mitch," J.D. said. "She was asking for directions for the bathroom.
"It doesn't matter! It's the image that people always think all lifeguards do is talk to pretty girls." Mitch said. Mitch
got to the next segment with Cody speeding along in his truck. "What about this?" He said. "What is the speed limit on the
"The beach is empty, Mitch! Do you see anyone around?" Cody asked in defense.
"Four miles per hour at all times! Four miles an hour." Mitch said, pointing at Cody. He moved on, "What about this?"
April turned her head in embarrassment. "What is the rule of lifeguarding? The number one priority above all else?" Mitch
"Watch your water!" A disappointed crowd said.
"Hello!" Mitch said.
"There was a fight in the parking lot," April said in defense.
"It doesn't matter. You call it in. Let the police handle it." Mitch said. "And waht about this?" He asked in question
about Cody talking on the phone. "I'm sure that was not a personal call."
"It wasn't!" Cody said. Everyone laughed. "It wasn't, man."
Mitch then went on to the next segment. "Now there's something that someone did right!" He showed the empty tower. He
continued on the next segment. "Bridget, Bridget, Bridget!" Mitch said. "You never let anything block your view." And then
it was back to the empty tower. "Nobody works out in the middle of the day." And then there was Cody on the phone. "Ahhh...once
again on the phone."
"Mitch, I was telling J.D. about a very serious rip." Cody said. "Read my lips."
Mitch got to the scene with J.D. yawning, "At which point, he springs into action." The scene left Cody speechless. Everyone
"Well, it's not that funny. I hope you all realize what's at stake here." Mitch said. "If we don't get our
act together by Friday, we're all out of a job." He then walked out of the room.
Mitch jogged along the beach. He began reminiscing about meeting Alex. "So, I finally get to meet the legendary Mitch
Buchannon." She said.
"Legendary according to who?" He asked.
"According to the background check I ran on you." Alex said.
"Background check?" Mitch asked.
"Got a copy of it back at the office if you'd like to see it." She said.
And then he skipped to when Alex informed him of Baywatch's contract. "You may not be aware of this, but next Friday,
Baywatch's contract with the County-it expires."
He replayed when she introduced herself, "Alex Ryker, Lieutenant. Bayguard Lifesaving Services. My friends all call me
Alex. The more he thought about her, the more he smiled.
Alex was not far jogging in the opposite direction. She was thinking about Mitch in the same way.
"I have a copy back at the office if you'd like to see it," she offered.
"No, first I'd like to see a copy of the permit for the parasailer." He said. She skipped to the next scene in her mind.
"You're going after our contract? You're not serious." He said.
She smiled. They just happen to pass each other. Mitch kept going. Alex turned around and caught up to jog along side
of him. "Well, if it isn't Mr. Baywatch himself."
"Hello Ryker." He said.
"Like they say-you can run, but you sure can't hide." She rubbed in.
He laughed sarcastically.
She continued to be a thorn in his side. "I see you keep yourself in good shape," she said. "For a man your age."
"Do me a favor, huh?" He said. "Let's not make this personal."
"Well, I already think that it's gotten personal, don't you?" She said.
"Look, why don't we do our best to try and change that?" He asked.
"I think it's a little too late for that," she said. "I've been wondering if this beach is big enough for the both
of us. fortunately we won't have to wait too long to find that out, will we?" Instead of dropping back to go into the
other direction, she purposely jogged out in front of Mitch and made a half circle around him to continue her jog. "Have a
good day Buchannon."
"You too, Ryker!" Mitch said. He then picked up speed.
The beach was full of people and April watched the beach through her tiny binoculars from her tower. A man was showing
a little boy how to surf on the sand first and was finally ready to make their way out to the water. The man fell, getting
caught in an inshore hold. The boy tried to hep him up. April grabbed her rescue can and was on her way toward them. While
running, she let her tether drop to the sand while she got into her harness. One of the Bayguard lifeguards stepped on
the cord with his foot, causing a strainful fall. She quickly got up and tried to pull it out of his grip.
"What are you doing?" She demanded. He still had a strong hold on her rescue can.
"This is Bayguard water." He said.
"That man needs help, now let me go." She was struggling trying to get her can back.
"We've got it under control." He said. "We've got it under control." Alex suddenly showed up. "Excuse me. Hey,
hey!" She said. "Is there a problem here?"
"Yes there's a problem! This man almost broke my neck!" April told her.
"Obviously, we have it under control." Alex said unconcerned.
"You have a big problem," April said pointing to the man.
"You're the one with the problem," he said. "Next time don't let your can drag in the sand."
"Come on, that's it." Alex said. "Let go Arnie."
When they left, April was holding her neck.
Later, April was punching on a bag in frustration. Bridget slowly walked toward her, looking at the card given to her.
"Hey April!" She said.
"Hey Bridget!" April said.
"You're into fashion, right?" Bridget asked. "You know this guy, Tomali?"
"Are you kidding?" April asked, stopping what she was doing. "Paolo Tomali?"
"Uh-huh," Bridget said.
"Of course. You mean you never heard of "Hot Tomali's?" April asked. "He's one of the most famous swimsuit designers
in the world."
"No way! Not this guy!" Bridget said.
"He's a little wierd! He's from Brazil, so who knows?" April said. "Where'd you get this?"
"He gave it to me." Bridget said. "Said he was looking for some models."
"When? Where?" April asked.
"It should say on the card." Bridget said.
"You're gonna do it aren't cha?" April asked.
Bridget made a face as if she didn't want to. "I could used the extra money."
"I could use the exposure." April said. She looked at bridge. "You're what, about a size six?"
Bridget was shaking her head as J.D. showed up and said, "Excuse me." He then looked at April. "April, Mitch needs to
see you right away."
"O.K.," April said. She got up to go with J.D. "Here you go." She gave the card back to Bridget.
Bridget looked at the card and then moved on.
Mitch and April moved along in a lifeguard truck. "April, I made an appointment for us to see Alex Ryker at Bayguard
Headquarters." Mitch said.
"So, what are you gonna say to her?" She asked.
"We're going to make the point that we respond to all calls. There are no such things as property lines in the ocean."
He said. "They owe you an apology." With that, Mitch pulled into a parking space. Once out of the truck, April saw the man
who stopped her and pointed him out to Mitch. Arnie was talking to a man wore a cap that said STUNTS.
"Mitch, that's the man who stopped me." She said.
Arnie was giving the man an envelope full of money. "A job well done." He said. "It's all there."
"See ya brother," The stuntman said.
"Later," Arnie said. The man got into his truck and Arnie left. Mitch saw everything he needed to know. He started
to think.
At Headquarters, Mitch placed a tape into the VCR. Cody joined him, sitting on the sofa.
"Ahhh, more home videos!" Cody said. "What do they have on us now?"
Mitch ran the tape and froze the frame.
"Why'd you freeze the frame?" Cody asked.
"I just saw that guy take a payoff in front of Bayguard Headquarters." Mitch said. "That whole thing was a setup, pal.
That rescue was staged."
Meanwhile at a tower, Bridget was a little nervous. "April, I don't think this is such a good idea."
"It's O.K.," April said. "Every shift we get an hour for workouts. We're working out."
"If Mitch sees us!" Bridget said.
"He won't," April said, watching the water. She then looked at her watch.
"With all of this videotaping going on, if we get caught...we're dead." Bridget reminded her.
"Will you stop worrying? How does it fit?" April asked.
"O.K., is this all of it?" Bridget asked, peeking out at April rather shyly.
"Yes, now let me see." April said.
"What do you think?" Bridget asked, turning around so that April could get a good view at the tropical patterned, lime
and purple bikini.
"I think you'll get his attention." April said. "And when you do, you have to make sure to mention that it's an April
G. original. At which point I'll take out my portfolio, he'll love my stuff and we'll become rich and famous."
"O.K., can I change back now?" Bridget asked nervously.
"No, I need you to try on one more suit," April said.
"I'm going to change back," Bridget said.
"No, one more," April said.
"April," Bridget said.
April gave her an non-budging expression. She held her ground and gestured for her to go in to change.
"O.K.," said a defeated Bridget. April then continued to look out as she glanced at hre watch.
Arnie was securing a new barrier line around one of their Bayguard sign warnings PRIVATE PROPERTY-KEEP OUT! Cody apprached
him and said, "Hey man, you sure that's legal?"
"Just following orders." Arnie said.
"You guys really think you're gonna get that County contract?" Cody asked.
"That's what I hear." Arnie said.
"Your Captain seems pretty cool." Cody said. "How do you like working for her?"
"She's a little too corporate for my taste, but she's O.K." Arnie said. "Does whatever management tells her."
"I was just wondering if you guys get that contract, I wanna be at the right place at the right time." Cody said. "You
know what I mean."
"We could use a guy like you." Arnie said. He then gestured with his eyes toward Mitch's lifeguard truck coming down
the beach. Cody turned to look. He then went over toward Mitch. Getting out of the truck, Mitch seemed notably angry.
"Every time I call your tower, it's busy." Mitch said. "How many times do I have to tell you, no personal calls while
you're on duty."
"Will you stop treating me like I'm some damned rookie?" Cody yelled so that Arnie could hear him. Arnie continued what
he was doing, but kept tabs on their argument with keen interest.
"Stop acting like one! You're a veteran lifeguard!" Mitch yelled back. "You're supposed to set an example here!"
"I've had it!" Cody yelled to the top of his lungs.
"No, I've had it with you!" Mitch warned. "You're walking on thin ice with me pal, thin ice!"
"Oh really?" Cody yelled.
"Yeah!" Mitch said reinforcing his warning.
"Then you can find someone else cause I quit!" Cody said. He stormed off.
Mitch angrily got back into his lifeguard truck. Arnie continued to watch. Mitch caught up with Cody. "You had it man!"
Mitch warned, pointing his finger at him.
"Here, take it! It's all yours!" Cody said, throwing his rescue can onto the back of the truck.
Paolo was looking for models during his open call. As Bridget changed into different suits to show him, April showed
off her designs to him and his assistant. He was staring at some of the other girls while April regained his attention to
view her swimwear collection.
The beach was heavily crowded and Alex was showing the County Commissioners around. "Thank you for joining me today.
Bayguard is the brainchild of Victor Cole." Alex said. "Now he's a former Balboa, Iowa lifeguard who formed the company five
years ago. Under his direction, we have pulled resources for twelve private clubs, performed highly efficient, highly moblile
Alex saw Cody, but he did not want to be seen by Chief Johnson and tried to walk away. Alex pulled him back toward the
group. "Ahhh, Cody!" She said.
Cody saw the Chief and is a bit stunned. He never expected to run into her there. Alex personally showed the Chief that
Cody was on her team now.
"Chief, you must know Cody Madison."
"Cody," the Chief said.
"Chief," Cody said, shaking her hand.
"Cody recently left Baywatch to join us here as Lieutenant." Alex said.
"Oh really?" The Chief asked quite suspicious. "I didn't get a copy of your resignation."
"Uh, Mitch has it." Cody answered quickly.
"Actually, he's just one of what we hope of many Baywatch lifeguards to join our ranks. Alex said. Chief Johnson kept
staring at Cody as if she actually suspected that Mitch was up to something. Things just didn't add up. Besides, Cody wasn't
the type to defect.
Alex then addressed Cody. "I will see you at 4:00 this afternoon."
"You got it," he said to Alex. Then he looked at Chief Johnson and said, "Chief." He then hurried off.
"Chief," Alex said. "I have a question for you about your swimsuit. Who is your sponsor?"
"Sponsor?" The Chief asked.
Who provides your suit?" She asked, rephrasing her question.
"The taxpayers." The Chief said.
"Actually, I have a little secret. If you put a company logo on the suit, they'd pay for themselves." Alex said.
"I don't think we can do that." The Chief said.
"Oh yes you can. And your trucks, I can get Ford to donate them for you." Alex said. "They just built us a special model
with a tower in the bend. It is state of the art."
"So you're saying that we can get all of this for free." Chief Johnson questioned with disbelief.
"I want you to picture something. Billboards on every tower. We are talking prime advertising space. Do you have any
idea how much revenue that can generate?" Alex said. She took documents from her folder and passed them out. "I happen to
have the figures for you right here. And uh, I would like to talk to you about our emergency training. Why don't you head
back this way?" She led them along the way.
"Good job," One of the Commissioners stated. Chief Johnson did not have a pleased expression on her face.
"Yeah, O.K." Cody said on his cell phone to Mitch.
"Are you on their turf?" Mitch asked.
"Yeah, I'm at their local tower now." Cody said. "Get a quick look inside."
"O.K." Mitch said.
Cody opened the door and jumped in. He scrunched down in front of the dashboard.
"See anything?" Mitch asked.
"Yeah, this computer." Cody said. He booted it up. "O.K., I'm all done." The records showed up and were running. "Whoa!"
"What'd you find?" Mitch asked.
"People are only on contract 'til the end of the month. Then they go back to their jobs in Orange County." Cody said.
"All that's left are a bunch of wannabes."
Mitch laughed and said, "No wonder she's recruiting so hard."
"By the middle of summer she'll have a grand total of three lifeguards training Ocean Rescue." Cody said. "The rest barely
knows CPR."
"Cody, can you get that off the computer?" Mitch asked.
"I don't know if this thing will pick up." Cody said, as he tried to do so. Just then Arnie walked by. Cody tried not
to make a sound.
"Cody, Cody! Are you there?" Mitch asked.
Cody made sure that Arnie was gone before continuing. "Let's keep it down, man, I don't wanna get busted in here."
Just then, a forceful hand hit his shoulder. "Too late! Out of the truck!" Arnie ordered. He grabbed Cody and threw him
out of the truck. After getting Cody onto the ground pinned beneath him, Arnie started to strike a hard blow.
"Be cool," Cody said. "Hey, hey man, be cool!"
Alex and another Bayguard lifeguard staff stopped him. "Hey, hey!" Alex said, looking down at Cody very disappointed.
"And I had such high hopes for you." She looked at her guards. "Let's get him out of here, you guys."
The Bayguard lifeguards got Cody up and forced him along. Cody's cell phone was left in the sand behind them, leaving
Mitch a bit confused. "Cody, Cody!" Mitch said. "What's goin' on? Are you there?"
The Bayguard truck made its way toward Baywatch Headquarters. Mitch was talking to a female lifeguard when the truck
pulled up before him. Alex jumped out just as the guard started to leave. She placed her hands on her hips and asked, "So
what's next? Tapping my phone? Reading my e-mail?"
"Hey, don't come off to me as a model Susan-not after the stunt you've pulled." Mitch said.
"And what stunt would that be?" She asked defiantly.
"Paying off the parasailer to go down." He stated firmly.
"Excuse me?" She seemed rather confused. "Where did that come from?"
"Alex, I saw one of your lifeguards paying off a stuntman." Mitch said.
"You're starting to hallucinate." Alex said.
"Don't give me that lady! Your whole operation's a fraud. You're staging phony rescues. You hired temporary staff until
you could steal away qualified lifeguards." Cody stated.
"It isn't about saving lives for you. It's the money, isn't it?" Mitch asked.
"Excuse me, do you have proof of these allegations?" She asked.
"What if I do?" Mitch threatened.
"Then I would resign without hesitation." She said. "But until then, I would appreciate it if you let us do our job...free
of outside interference."
"Mitch!" April yelled. "We just got a report on a missing kid. He disappeared somewhere between tower 10 and the Sand
and Sea Club, and his parents are frantic!"
"Put J.D. and Bridget on it!" Mitch said.
"I can't! We just had a rip at seven and I had to send them there!" She yelled. "And there's more. He's a diabetic
and he needed his insulin an hour ago!"
"We'll finish this later," Alex said, heading toward her truck.
"We're on it, " Mitch said, putting on his sunglasses. He and Cody made their way toward their lifeguard truck.
Alex was surrounded by her small, but insufficient staff. "And no one on duty has seen any sign of him. He couldn't have
just disappeared," Alex said.
"I've been hanging billboards all day," Arnie said.
"Oh lovely," Alex said. "I suppose you've interviewed every person on the beach."
"Not everyone-we talked to the people who looked like..." Arnie said.
"I don't care what they look like. If they can see and hear, then you talk to them. Now you go and find that kid!" She
Mitch and Cody made their way toward her. They ignored the barriers. "Two people saw him headed in your direction
an hour ago." Mitch said. "Your people saw nothing?"
"We are conducting a thorough search around the clock. We'll handle it." An agitated Alex said.
"This isn't about a lifeguard competition. It's about a little boy's life." Mitch said.
There was silence as Alex and Mitch stared at each other before Alex gave in and sighed. "We will work together."
She said in defeat, but still in her agitated tone of voice.
"All right," Mitch said. "Let's go."
Arnie and Cody stood and stared defiantly at each other before they went their separtate ways. An all out search on the
beach and ocean was conducted.
"Excuse me," Mitch said to a blonde woman on a towel. She sat up. "We're looking for a little boy missing in a yellow
T-shirt. Have you seen him?"
"No," she said.
Alex asked a woman if she saw a little boy about 8 years old that had a yellow T-shirt on. After seeing the woman's response,
Mitch said, "Great, nobody's seen him." The search continued along the crowed beach.
"Hey, how are you doin'?" Mitch asked a little girl playing in the sand. He and Alex squatted down. "My name's Mitch.
I'm a lifeguard and we're looking for a little boy whose missing. He was wearing a yellow T-shirt."
"Yeah, I saw a little boy in a yellow t-shirt. He went over there." The little girl said pointing.
They both looked toward a storm drain. They got up as Mitch thanked the little girl. They reached the area and Mitch
examined the gate. "Gate's supposed to be locked." Mitch said. "If he went inside, he's in for some surprises." He crawled
under the opening. "Go get backup."
"Hey-why should I go get backup?" She questioned, wanting credit for the rescue herself.
"I've been here before," Mitch told her quickly. "You haven't-go get backup."
"You go get backup!" She snapped loudly, wasting time and not thinking of the young life involved.
"GO GET BACKUP!" Mitch screamed.
She just stood there and reasoned without wisdom. "I AM the backup!" Alex then pulled off her jacket and hung it on the
gate to make her way in.
Mitch was inside the tunnel. "Hello?" He yelled. "Is anyone in here?" He slid out of the huge pipe and into the water.
"Hello?" Alex called.
"What are you doing in here?" Mitch asked. She was supposed to be getting backup.
"I'm trying to save a lost child." She said.
"I thought I told you to go and get backup." He said.
"You want me to stay home and bake cookies while you hunt for bear!" She snapped. "Forget it!"
"What?" Mitch asked. "No one knows we're in here!"
"Look, let's get the kid and get out, O.K.?" She said while proceeding.
"I wouldn't go that way." Mitch cautioned.
"Why not?" She asked, suddenly falling into a deep area of water.
"There's...uh...a...uh...drop off." Mitch said.
"Why didn't you tell me that was there?" She asked.
"I had cookies in the oven." Mitch said sarcastically.
They swam through the water while calling out if anyone was there. Alex went out even farther.
"You don't wanna go there," Mitch warned.
"Why not?" Alex asked, making her way despite the warning.
"Another drop offffffff..." The strong current soon carried her off with her words traveling along with her. Mitch allowed
himself to be carried off as well so that he could rescue her. Alex was dumped into a whirlpool and found that the boy
was there being carried around in a continuous circle. He was scared and was crying for help.
"We're here to help you," she said while being swept around him in a circle. "Keep your head up."
Mitch was sucked in as well.
"Help!" The boy cried.
"Hang in there!" Alex called. She kept going around in a fruitless manner since she was obviously inexperienced in rescuing
Mitch told the boy to hang on as he made his way over toward him. "O.K." Mitch said. "I got cha!" Mitch then addressed
Alex. "I got 'em."
But Alex was trying to stay afloat on her own. "Hang on," Mitch said. "Don't fight it."
"I'm going down..." she cried gulping.
"Don't fight it. Just go with it." Mitch told her. "I'll get to ya."
As she finally did as instructed instead of rebelling, Mitch was able to get to her.
"What'll we do now?" Alex asked.
"We call for backup," Mitch said sarcastically, reminding her that without backup, they were stuck.
Meanwhile, April, the rookie and J.D., the 11 year veteran made their way toward the storm drain. You
would think that it was the other way around. April picked up the blue jacket and examined it. "That's Alex's jacket!" April
J.D. started to go into the storm drain after them without thinking.
"No, no, no," April said stopping him. "You go for backup."
When April started to leave, J.D. asked, "Wait, where are you goin'?"
"To pull the plug." She said.
J.D. stood there clueless when she left. Poor guy. The audience hated to see him written in this way.
April was soon overhead, peering down through the grate. "Mitch!" She cried. "You down there?"
"April," Mitch cried breathlessly. "Yeah! All right-listen! You gotta rescue can?"
April listened intensively as Mitch went on. "Hold onto the can, throw down the harness. Come on, get some insulin. Hook
up the can into a winch. Turn this damned thing off!"
"Yeah, we need to shut down the power." April said before she started on her way.
"All right-grab onto the boy." Mitch said.
"O.K." Alex said.
"All right, put your arms through here! Arms through!" Mitch said. The boy followed orders, getting his arms through
the harness so that he could be supported out of the water. He then placed the boy onto his shoulder. Alex held onto Mitch.
"O.K. All right. Atta boy! You O.K.?" Mitch asked.
"Yeah!" The boy said.
"Hang on, Mitch said.
"Hang on," Alex said repeating Mitch's words.
"I've got cha." Mitch said. He then grew impatient with the backup.
"Come on!" He yelled.
"We did it!" Alex said panting.
Mitch turned his head slowly and looked at her, "We?"
"Oh, that's right!" Alex said sarcastically. "You know, you did it all by yourself. The legendary Mitch Buchannon! I
had nothing to do with it."
"No, no," Mitch fired back. "You're right, you had plenty to do with it!"
"Are you always this hostile after a rescue?" She asked.
Mitch laughed sarcatically and then yelled, "Will you hurry up with that winch?"
Bridget was talking to Mr. Tomali and his assistant as she hurried them along into their limousine. He was begging her
to reconsider as the two were being driven off. Bridget was waving and was glad to get rid of them. April showed up and said,
"I can't believe you turned 'em down."
"I'm a lifeguard, not a Tomali," Bridget said. "Besides, it's winter time in Brazil and I'm ready for summer."
April just shrugged and asked. "I don't suppose that Paolo said anything about my portfolio."
"As a matter of fact..." Bridget said.
"I knew it! Forget it-I don't wanna know!" April said.
"Oh no!" Bridget said. "He said that you're a very talented designer and you should stop being so insecure." She then
mimicked his accent, "Your time will come."
"My time will come, huh? Those were his exact words!" April asked.
"Well, actually I knew that he was translating, but I knew that's what he meant." Bridget said.
Mitch passed them as they started on their way. "Ladies..." Mitch greeted. "Chief!"
"Hi Mitch!" Chief Johnson said.
"What happened to the County Commissioners?" He asked.
"They couldn't make it." She said.
"Hold on a second. You promised me they would tour my facility before making any decision." Mitch reminded her.
The Chief smiled. "There's no decision to make. Bayguard withdrew their bid when Alex Ryker resigned."
"Alex resigned." Mitch said with much contentment, folding his arms.
"I know that you two didn't always see eye to eye." The Chief said.
"That's O.K." Mitch said. "I wish her the best of luck down there in Aushtown."
"That's what I came to talk to you about. This is in no way a reflection on the job, you know. The beach has never been
safer." She said.
"But..." Mitch said.
"But, you're two months behind on your paperwork and twenty percent over-budget at last count and frankly, I don't see
any improvement. And we both know that administration is not your strong point." The Chief said. "You're a field jock."
"Field jock?" He asked.
"Exactly," The Chief said. "Which is why I've decided to bring Alex in as a ..." The Chief said, but was cut off by Mitch.
"No," Mitch said.
"As an administrative consultant." She finished.
"Don't do this to me," Mitch said.
"On a temporary basis." The Chief said. "If it doesn't work out, we can try another approach. In the meantime, I brought
her by to show her the Headquarters."
"Good morning, Chief," Alex said. She then looked at Mitch. "Good morning. Buchannon!"
"We need to talk about this!" Mitch said, looking at the Chief.
"Now Mitch, come on. We're both mature adults. I'm sure that we can find a way to make it work for both of us." Alex
said. "Now come on. I want a grand tour." Grabbing his arm. "You know you like me. Come on." She pulled him along, holding
onto his arm.
Mitch looked back at the Chief, holding up a finger. The Chief smiled to herself in contentment.