A young girl was struggling to stay afloat and was cying for help. Cody and Mitch responded to the call. They made their
way running down the beach and into the water. Mitch got to her first and they got the unconscious girl to safety. Cody checked
her pulse. "No Pulse, she not breathing. Begin CPR." Cody gave her mouth to mouth and Mitch did the chest compressions.
Cody gave her two breaths and Mitch counted out 15 chest compressions. "1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9-10-11-12-13-14-15!" Mitch asked,
"Is she alive?" Cody responded, "Still no pulse, no breathing!"
"Continue CPR," Mitch said. Cody continued with the two-breath method. Mitch with chest compressions, "1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9-10-11-12-13-14-15!"
Mitch yelled, "Is she alive?" the girl opened her eyes as the children sang out, "yes!" Mitch said, "Good job, Stephanie,
good job!" He helped her up and Stephanie rejoined the group.
"Did we do the proper procedure for two-man CPR?" Mitch asked.
"No!" The class yelled.
"What is the proper procedure for two-man CPR?" Mitch asked.
"5 to 1!" They yelled.
"What is the proper procedure for one-man CPR" Cody asked.
"15 to 2!" They yelled.
"Show me." Mitch said.
The class placed their ears on the practice torsos.
"That's right. Look, listen and feel for breathing. Feel the Coronary artery for the pulse. Begin CPR."
A little boy was playing with the sand and didn't seem to be playing any attention to the class. Mitch continued by asking
his class to show him the proper procedure for one-man CPR. To tilt the head back. Listen and feel for breathing. Feel the
Coronary Artery for the pulse. He ordered them to begin CPR with two breaths.
The little boy got up and wandered toward a shiny object laying in the sand.
"1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9-10-11-12-13-14-15!" The class counted as they did chest compressions on their practice dummies.
"Two breaths," Mitch said. "Good." Alex noticed that the boy had picked up the round, orange plastic lens. He looked
through it with one eye. The children counted to fifteen again. When they finished, Mitch told them all to give a round of
applause. He also told them that they did a good job. He would see them all for Water Safety next week.
Alex walked toward them and said, "I appreciate your letting Timmy hand out with ya!"
"Interesting kid," Mitch said. "I wonder what's going on inside of that mind."
"Did he understand about what we just did?" Cody asked.
"Well, it's hard to tell with an autistic child." Alex said. "Especially when he doesn't talk."
"The fact is, most autistic kids don't talk." Mitch said. "They communicate with gestures, motion, cries."
"It's almost as if they live in another world." Alex added, "I don't know how my sister deals with it."
"Mitch pointed toward the boy. "I would like to talk to him. Would you do me a favor and pack up the gear?"
"Sure," she said.
Mitch soon kneeled down beside the boy on one knee. He was able to see eye-to-eye with Timmy. "Hey," Mitch said. "How're
ya doin'?" The boy didn't seem to be paying any attention. "I was wondering.." He continued "Can you make your footprints
disappear in the sand? I can."
Timmy was still fascinated with the lens, looking through it. "Come on, I'll show ya." He said.Mitch got up and motioned
for Timmy to come with him.
Alex and Cody loaded the gear onto the truck.
"So, you all ready for the outrigger race?" Alex asked.
"Oh yeah!" Cody said. "And thanks for giving me the time off. I owe you one."
"You got it. You may meet Timmy and my sister over there." They're gonna be on the big island too." She said. They closed
the truck's wagon door.
"That'll be great!" Cody said.
"Yeah," she said.
Mitch lead the boy to the shoreline, "O.K., O.K., follow me, follow me. Take your feet, put them in the sand." Mitch
embedded his feet in the super-wet sand. "Like this, slip back. Watch!" The water washed on shore and covered the sand with
Mitch's footprints. Timmy stopped looking though the lens and watched with keen interest. When the water disappeard, Mitch
said, "See-magic! They're gone!" He managed to get a smile out of Timmy. "You wanna try it?" Mitch said, encouraging the boy.
"Come on. Atta boy! Go ahead. All right! Get 'em in there real good."
After Timmy had made the prints in the sand, Mitch said, "Back up a little bit." The water came in a bit heavier this
time and it scared timmy. He screamed, causing Alex and Cody to turn in that direction. The boy tried to run out of the water,
but he fell. He then scrambled to get out and onto dryer sand.
Mitch tried to calm him. "It's O.K.!" Alex and Cody made it there and she took over.
"Timmy, calm down, sweetie," Alex said gently. "The splash of the water." She explained to Mitch and Cody. Her attention
returned to Timmy. "It's all right, sweetie. You O.K.?" She caressed his hair and arm. Suddenly Timmy became very clam. His
attention was drawn toward the dolphins swimming in the ocean. He got up and walked toward the shoreline to watch them.
"What's he doing?" Mitch asked.
"He's looking at the dolphins." Alex said. They all got up to join Timmy. "He absolutely loves dolphins...that's why
they're gonna go to Hawaii. There's this place called Dolphin Quest."
"Yeah," Mitch said. "I was there a couple of years ago with Hobie. It's incredible!"
"Is it true that you can acutally get in the water with 'em?" Cody asked.
"Yeah, you can swim with 'em, touch 'em, interact. It's geat! Timmy is in for the time of his life." Mitch said. Timmy
kept staring at the dolphins and then at them by peering through the lens.
Mitch and cody were dragging paddleboards along the beach. Alex was behind them and wanted to catch up. "Whoo-hooo, just
look at those bitts!" She remarked in fun.
"Good morning, Alex." Mitch said.
"Good morning guys," she said in return. She skipped to catch up.
"You should have left your nephew with us today," Cody said.
"You missed it!" Mitch said. "Dolphins went past us for two miles."
"Timmy would have loved that!" Alex said.
"When are we gonna get you on a paddleboard?" Mitch asked.
"Soon," She said. Very soon."
They headed toward Headquarters as a woman got out of her car.
"Hey!" Alex said pointing, "My sister! Valerie!" Valerie waved and walked toward them. Little Timmy, who was still seated
in the car, looked on. "Valerie, hi!" Alex said. She began introductions. "This is Mitch. This is Cody." "Good morning,"
Mitch said.
"Hi," she said, shaking his hand. Valerie then greeted Cody and shook his hand as well.
"So, what are you doing here?" Alex asked. "I thought you'd be gone to Hawaii." "You won't believe this." Valerie said.
"What?" Alex asked.
"My boss just dropped this huge project in my lap. There's no way I can get away for the weekend. It looks like Hawaii
is out." Valerie explained. She looked so disappointed. Mitch looked on as he and Cody loaded their paddleboards onto a boat
and was set on land.
"I'm sorry!" Alex said. "And Timmy is going to be so disappointed."
"I know," Valerie said. "He has had his heart set on seeing those dolphins. I have been showing him pictures of the hotel
for months."
"What about aunt Alex?" Mitch said.
"What ABOUT aunt Alex?" Alex asked in an irritated tone.
"Why can't you take him?" he asked.
"Oh," Valerie said. "I couldn't ask her to do that."
"You didn't!" Mitch said. "I did!"
"Mitch!" Alex said.
"That's a great idea! Cody added, coming to Mitch's defense. "I'll be happy to help you out!" He then approached Valerie.
"Where are you stayin'?"
"We've got a suite at the Waikoloa and two tickets on Hawaiian Airlines. It's all been paid for." Valerie explained.
There was a short pause as Cody and Mitch looked at each other. "She's in!" They both said, patting Alex on the back.
"Will you stop?" Said an agitated Alex. "Both of you!" She looked from Mitch to Cody. She was not amused. Alex then looked
at her sister so that she could offer an excuse so that she did not have to go. "Look, I don't know if I can handle it. I
don't know if I can get the time off from work and this place is so disorganized."
Mitch stopped her right there. He looked at Valerie and said, "Excuse me. Excuse us!" He held Alex by the shoulders as
he led her several feet away. Step into my office for a minute." He told her. "I know I have no business telling you this.
I'm probably way out of line..." he said.
"But you're gonna do it anyway." She finished for him.
"As much as we appreciate your contribution at Baywatch," Mitch said cupping her head in his hands. "This little boy
needs you a lot more than we do."
She finally gave in helplessly and whispered, "O.K." The two returned to her sister and Alex told her that she'd do it.
"O.K., I'm in."
"She's in!" Mitch repeated.
"Atta girl!" Cody said.
"You sure?" Valerie asked.
"Yeah," Alex said. "I'm positive. It's gonna be great!"
"Thank you, Al," Valerie said gratefully.
"You're welcomed, Valerie." Alex said, while they embraced tightly.
Wow! Is Alex selfish or what? She really didn't want to do it at all. Mitch had to coax her into doing it. You would
think that Alex might have felt bad enough to offer to go in Valerie's place. Her sister was a single parent and was working
hard to keep a roof over her son's head. At least do it for the kid. That was the purpose of the trip in the first place.
Valerie's personality seemed very warm in comparison to Alex's cold exterior. She seemed to want to belong with the other
Baywatch staff, so it was time she started acting like it freely.
The trio arrived in hawaii. A fight attendant expressed the airline's gratitude over the speaker to the passengers.
After leaving for the airport, they were driven tot heir hotel.
"Oh my God! Look at this place," Alex exclaimed breathlessly. "It's beautiful!"
They stopped in front of the Hilton Waikoloa Village Hotel. Timmy stared up at the sign, which displayed two
dolphins as part of the hotel's logo.
"This place is amazing, huh?" Alex asked as they made their way through the hotel's lobby.
"Aren't you glad you came?" Cody asked.
Timmy looked up at the lobby's sculpture of a "dolphin family." The father, mother and the baby. He wandered toward it.
He went through the beautiful flowered base to get at the suspended dolphins. He kept touching the sculpture, enchanted
with it.
"Will you look at him?" Alex asked.
"I wonder what he's gonna do when he sees the real thing." Cody said.
"That's what I' wondering." She agreeded.
"Have you ever heard of dolphin therapy? I was reading about it on the plane. There's a place in Florida that treats
kids with disabilities..." Cody said.
"Look Cody, don't get your hopes up, O.K.?" Alex warned.
"There's always a chance." Cody said.
"No," Alex said. "There's not. There's no cure for autism. We came here on vacation, not in search of a miracle." She
looked over at the adorable young boy who seemed to be in another world. "Timmy came here with autism and he's gonna
leave with autism. And unfortunately, nothing is gonna change that." She said to Cody, looking up at him.
Later, Cody jogged along the beautiful beach as a young girl on a waverunner sped along side him in the water close to
the shoreline. Upon closer inspection, she wore a yellow swimsuit displaying a lifeguard's patch. She kept looking at Cody
and then sped ahead to cut him off, blocking his path. "Cody!" She cried, smiling. Cody seemed confused. "You don't
remember me, do you?" She asked, getting off the waverunner. "Kali McKenzie? Lani's sister! I met you last summer when
I was in LA."
"Ohhh, right! Right!" He said remembering. "I'm sorry. Nice to see you again."
"Same here!" She said shaking his hand.
"Have you talked to Lani lately?" Cody asked.
"Not since she moved to New York." She said. "How is she doing?"
"Good, I guess." He said. "I haven't talked to her much either. I'm not sure if we're cut out for a bicoastal relationship."
"Oh, sorry to hear that," Kali said.
"It's not like we're split up. We're just not...together." Cody explained.
Kali changed the subject, "So, where are you staying?"
"At the Waikoloa. We have that outrigger race." He said.
"Oh, no! The race was post-phoned last week." She told him.
"You've gotta be kidding me." He said in disbelief.
"No, there's a big storm coming. They thought it might affect the race." She explained.
"You mean I came all the way here for nothing!" He said.
"Hopefully you'll find something else to make your trip interesting." She encouraged. They smiled at each other. She
gave him a look, like she was that something else.
Timmy resisted Alex's attempts to get him into a vest so that he could go into the water to see the dolphins. "Timmy,
if you want to swim with the dolphins, you need to put your vest on." Alex said.
"Look, all the other kids are putting vests on, see?" Cody said. "Good morning, sorry I'm late."
"Where have you been?" She asked.
"It's a long story. The bottom line is, I'm not gonna be racing." Cody said.
"Why not?" She asked.
"I'll explain later." Cody said. He then turned his attention toward the boy. "Hey Timmy, you need some help to put on
your vest buddy? Huh? What do you say?"
"Unnnnn!" Timmy grumbled. He let him know that he wasn't going into the water.
The instructor got things started. She started speaking to the class. "My name is Jo. This is Tammy." She continued with
her speech as they led the group to the water. Timmy wanted to watch and went to the fence with Alex and Cody. Alex tapped
Cody. "It's no use. I don't think he wants to go into the water."
"Just give him some time to get used to being hree." Cody said. "He'll do it."
"I'm gonna go get him an ice-cream." Alex said, tousling Timmy's hair. He didn't respond while looking through the
lens. he pointed occasionally. Alex started on her way.
"All right," Cody said. "We'll stay here and watch the dolphins."
The other children enjoyed touching and learning all about the dolphins while Timmy watched from the fence. It was time
for Jo and Tammy to find out what the children had gained from the experience. "Let's review what we learned today," Jo
said. "How many teeth do dolphins have?" The cute creatures stayed close to the trainers, who were on their knees in the water.
Dolphins are sooooo darned cute!
"Eighty-eight!" Yelled an enthusiastic group.
"Why are plastic rings dangerous for the dolphins?" tammy asked.
"Might get caught in its throat!" They cried.
"Who is the biggest enemy of the dolphin? Sharks or their friend-humans?" Tammy asked.
"Humans!" They cried.
"Good!" Said Jo and Tammy. They clapped for the acknowledgeable group.
timmy had been looking on through his lens. Cody had moved toward the group. Timmy got off the fence and wandered on.
He finally came upon a man who was sketching. Timmy looked at the man's work.
"Hey there!" The man greeted. "What's your name?"
Timmy pointed to toward the artwork sketch of two dolphins.
"You like dolphins?" He asked. "You wanna give it a try?" The man handed his charcoal pencil to Timmy. The little boy
made a line over one that already formed the dolphin. He then gave the pencil back to the artist. "Great!" He said. "A mama
and her baby."
Meanwhile, Alex had gotten back with the small dish of ice cream. She saw Cody at the water, but Timmy was nowhere in
sight. "Cody!" Alex cried.
He saw the expression on her face and knew that Timmy was not where he had left him.
"Where's Timmy?" Cody asked. "He was here just two minutes ago." Cody climbed over the fence.
"Timmy! Timmy!" She called. They went to search for him. The two soon found him with the artist.
"Timmy!" She cried softly. "You scared me half to death!"
"Sorry about that!" Cody said scratching his head from the embarrassment. "I hope he wasn't interrupting you."
"Not at all..." said the artist. "I think we share a common bond with dolphins."
Alex seemed relieved. "I'm Alex. This is Cody."
"Nice to meet you," said the artist, shaking their hands. "My name is Wyland."
"Nice to meet you." Cody said.
"And this is Timmy," Alex said. "He's autistic. He doesn't speak."
"Sometimes you don't have to speak to be understood." Wyland said. He then looked at the little boy. Nice to meet you
Timmy." He shook his hand. Timmy was still string at the sketch as they shook hands.
Later, Kali paddled in an outrigger. Cody, Alex and Timmy walked along close to the water. Alex led Timmy to a lounger.
"Sweetie, sit righ here." She told him softly. "I'll be back, O.K.?" Alex placed him on the lounger. He had on earphones so
that he could listen to his music.
Cody headed toward Kali. "Kali, what's up?" He asked.
"Hey," she said smiling. "How're you doing?"
Alex appeared with them and Cody made introductions.
Alex," he said. "This is Kali McKenzie."
"Hi, nice to meet you." Alex said.
Kali nodded.
"What's up?" He asked. "What are you doing here?"
"I talked to Lani last night ans she said you'd be bummed out about the race and that I should take you on a tour of
the Islands." Kali explained. "But if you have other plans..."
There was a short pause before Alex sensed Kali's feelings. "No!" Alex said. "Go on!"
"You sure?" Cody asked.
"I think I can manage." Alex assured Cody. "Besides, this might be your only chance to get in an outrigger."
"Thank you," a grateful Cody said.
"Sure," Alex said.
"All right," Cody said. He then yelled, "Catch you later Timmy!"
"Have a great time!" Alex said. She then left them.
"I'll have him back by dinner," she said to Alex. Kali then removed the lei from her neck and placed it around Cody's.
"I brought this...for you."
"Smells great!" Cody said.
She smiled. "Let's go!"
Off they went, paddling for Cody's tour.
Meanwhile, Alexwas talking to Valerie on her cell-phone. "We are in one of the most peaceful setting in the world. How
can it not be going great?" She assured her. "Don't you think I'd tell you if it wasn't working out? He's as happy as
a clam."
Timmy was close to the water playing with his lens. he peered through it at the water. He was curious about the stones
that rest on the bottom.
"Yes, she continued. "Absolutely fun. I'll see you tomorrow. All right. Bye." Just as she ended the transmission, the
lens slipped from Timmy's hand. He started to panic, crying frantically. Alex prevented him going into the water after it.
She tried to calm him down. "Shhh...Timmy, calm down, O.K.? Shhhh." She assured Timmy that she would get it back for him.
She led him to the other side of the pond. Alex then made her way over the rocks and walked knee-deep toward the lens and
picked it up from the bottom. Timmy, afraid to walk through the water, cried sitting on the rocks. Alex held the lens up for
the whining boy to see. "Timmy, look!" Timmy cried, reaching out for it, but was careful as not to fall in. Alex made
her way toward him. "Here ya go, here ya go. It's O.K., it's O.K. Shhhh...shhhh...shhhh." She said, caressing his head. Timmy
then began to settle down while looking through the lens again, rocking back and forth.
Later, the two sat at an outdoor glass-top table and Timmy was putting a puzzle together with Alex looking on with relief.
Upon closer inspection, the puzzle was faced down. The boy was putting it together from the back.
Wyland made his way toward them.
"How's timmy?" He asked.
"Well, he's fine at the moment. I on the other hand am a nervous wreck."
"I can imagine that you would be a little frustrated." He said. "Wow! A puzzle with no picture."
"He likes to put them together upside down. That way it's more challenging." Alex explained.
"Amazing," Wyland said. "Timmy, would you like to see my drawing? It's almost finished." Wyland asked him. He held it
up for them to see. It was a drawing of a mother dolphin with her baby.
"Wow, that's great!" Alex said. "Yeah!"
Timmy stopped what he was doing and pointed at the dolphins.
"Well Timmy," Wyland said. "I showed you my drawing, let me see yours." They all lay down under the table on their backs
to look through the glass. It was a beautiful scene of Hawaii's scenic rocks against the ocean. The puzzle turned live for
the next scene.
Kali and Cody padded their way through the water. "Lani said you were on your way to New York when your plane crashed?"
Kali asked.
"Yep," Cody said.
"What was that like?" She asked.
"Let's just say it was pretty intense." Cody said.
"And you have no problem getting on a plane and flying again?" Kail asked.
"I figured, what are the chances of it happening twice.?" He explained. "A trillion to one? Surviving something like
that makes you kind of fearless."
Kali changed the subject. "You see the hole in those rocks?"
"Yeah," Cody said.
"Those are lava dunes. They were formed thousands of years agao. Hawaiians believe that this area must be haunted since
the lava dune looks like an evil spirit. Legend has it that if you take lava from this area, you will be cursed forever."
She explained.
"No thanks," Cody said. They paddled and were passing the next set of rocks. Kali continued.
"This is my fire. I call it Dragon's Throat."
"Does it look like a dragon's throat?" Cody asked.
"No," Kali said. "I just like the sound of it." They paddled on and came toward a beautiful flat-topped stretch of land.
"This is my favorite spot on the Island. Kiama Kikura, it means Pathway of the gods. Ready for the best part of the
They went scuba diving to view the beautiful scenery and sea life. Above them on a cliff, two boys wandered close to
the edge.
"Check this out man!"
"Yeah, it's the bomb!"
One of the boys wasn't really watching where he was going.
"Hey, be careful dude!" The other boy warned. But it was too late. His friend's foot slipped and he fell over the edge.
He was thrown into the dangerous waves below. Cody and Kali saw the splash and hurried toward the area. The boy was terrified,
screaming for help as he was being pulled toward the opening of the cave. Cody and Kali surfaced.
"What was that?" Cody wondered out loud.
The boy on the cliff waved frantically, trying to get their attention.
"Help! Help my friend!"
"Where is he?" Kali yelled.
The boy pointed toward the cave. The two swam in that direction. They were soon inside. The boy saw them. "Help," he
cried. "Help! Help me!" He coughed, trying to stay afloat. he was carried futher into the cave. The boy was going under. Cody
asked how far the water went and Kali told him about 40 feet. They dived under to locate him, fighting against the suction.
They soon resurfaced.
"I don't see him, do you?" He asked.
"No!" She yelled.
They went under again. Cody resurfaced. Kali had the boy. "Cody, I got him! I need help!" She cried.
"Hang on! Hang on!" He said, swimming toward them. Once he had a firm grip on the little boy, he cried, "I got him, I
got him! Let's go. Let's get out!" They made their way toward the opening of the cave as they swam the boy out. The other
boy was peering carefully over the cliff. "Call the lifeguards," Cody yelled out to him. "Tell them we're bringing in a victim!"
Kaki and Cody swam toward the outrigger to get the victim into it . The boy left to do as he was instructed.
Meanwhile, Alex and timmy were sitting ont he beach. "Look," Alex said pointing at the girl on the Wind Surf. "Look!
Timmy seemed interested and watched her. Alex then noted Kali and Cody pushing the victim to shore on the outrigger.
"Timmy, I want you to stay right here, O.K.? Don't get up, sweetie! I'll be right back!" She got up and made her way toward
the victim scene.
"Get that board in here!" Cody ordered. "Possible neck injury."
Timmy was watching the windsurfer and witnessed her hitting a swimmer. The little girl was rendered unconscious. The
windsurfer hadn't noticed that she had hit someone. She sailed on. the boy looked over toward Alex, who was running toward
Cody and Kali. Although afraid of the water, he was deciding on whether to disobey Alex's order to stay put or help the victim.
Cody, Kali and a team of lifeguard were lifting the victim, who was now on a backboard onto a truck.
"Cody, what happened?" Alex asked.
"Guy fell off a cliff. Possible neck injury." He said. His attention was now focused on the other lifeguards. "Easy now,
Timmy kept looking toward Alex. He got up as his beloved lens fell in the sand. The boy braved the water, hesitating
at the shoreline for a moment before continuing. The girl had drifted close enough toward shore so that Timmy could reach
her while still standing. He pulled her in.
"all right, we're all sone. He's all yours," Cody said.
"You all right?" Alex asked.
"Yeah!" Cody said.
Alex then looked over at the blanket to find Timmy gone. Her eyes quickly scanned the beach. "Timmy's gone," she said
in desperation. She ran back toward that area with Cody hustling after her. "Timmy!" She called.
Meanwhile, Timmy had gotten the girl to shore and proceeded to give her CPR. He tilted her head back and listened for
breathing. He held her nose shut and gave her a breath. He listened and felt for breathing. There was none, so he gave her
another breath. Timmy gave her fifteen chest compressions. He listened for breathing and then gave her a breath, listened
and then gave another breath. Timmy was giving the girl chest compressions by the time Alex and Cody saw him with the
"Timmy!" Alex cried.
"Good job! Let me look at her buddy!" Cody said "Good job!"
Timmy got up and stepped back to view Cody and Alex as they gave the girl two-man CPR. The girl came to coughing. Her
mother suddenly came to see that her daughter had been a victim. She held her tightly. The other lifeguards arrived on the
"You take her up and check her vitals?" Cody asked one of the lifeguards.
"Her pulse is good." Alex said.
"Thank you so much for saving my baby!" The girls' mother said.
Afterward, Cody and Alex looked at each other and then at Timmy. They stood and went toward him. They squatted down beside
"Way to go Timmy!" Cody said.
The little boy seemed distracted again. "How did you know what to do?" Alex asked.
"He saw us perform CPR on the beach." Cody said. "He remembered every move."
"Look at you, you're soaking wet." Alex said. "You went into the water and wasn't afraid, were you?" She was still amazied
with pride.
"See? I told you he'd do it!" Cody said. "He just wanted to pick his spot." His attention then returned to the boy. "Way
to go, kiddo!" Cody tousled the boy's hair.
They all soon made their way to the dolphin pool. Timmy was no longer totally afraid to go into the water. He got to
pet and feed the dolphins. He looked very happy. Afterward, the three walked along the beauty of the Hawaiian scenery.
"Has it been worth it?" Cody asked Alex.
"Absolutely!" She said in contentment.
Cody tilted his head downward. "How about you?" He asked Timmy. "You've been in the water with dolphins...you saved
a little girl's life."
Timmy was peering through his lens. Cody held his hand up for a high five from Timmy. After they slapped hands, Cody
tousled the boy's hair.
Wyland saw them. "Hey guys, I heard that Timmy got into the water."
"Hi! It was touch and go there for a while, but we accomplished our mission." Alex said. "Timmy swam with the dolphins."
"Congratulations!" Wyland said. "I have something for you. Something to remember your trip to the Hilton Waikoloa. A
painting of dolphins.." Timmy looked at the painting. "A mommy and her baby." Wyland continued. Alex and Cody looked at the
painting with fascination.
"Wow!" Cody exclaimed.
Timmy pointed to the mother dolphin.
"I know he would say thank you if he could." Alex said.
Timmy looked up at Wyland as he pointed. "He did," Wyland said.
The sun was setting when Kali and Cody were alone.
"So the kid was all right, huh?" He asked.
She nodded. "Bruised ribs, slight concussion. Nothing major."
"That's good to hear." He said. they kept staring at each other.
" I never got a chance to thank you for helping out in the cave yesterday." Kali said.
"You're welcomed," he said. They kept staring at each other. "You planning on any trips to the mainland in the near future?"
"I wasn't, but you know how things can change." She said.
"Well, if you do, it'll be my turn to show you around." He assured her.
"You got a deal." Kali said. She looked at him thoughtfully. "I hope you and Lani can work things out."
"Well, I don't know." Cody said. "Hey, it's possible , I guess." They both thought about how they were attracted to each
"I'll tell Lani that she'd be a fool to let you go." Kali said. "Have a safe trip back."
He nodded. "Thanks for playing Tour Guide."
Alex was showing Timmy some photos when Cody raced to join them.
"Aloha," he said.
"Aloha," Alex said. He started Timmy. "Timmy, I got you a few souvenirs that I thought you might like, pal." Cody handed
Timmy the stuffed toy dolphin and placed a cap on his head. He sat next to Alex to view the photos.
"Check these out! That's us and the mommy dolphin," Alex said. She showed him the photos. "Isn't that great?"
"Yeah?" Cody said.
"Your'e a pretty good photographer," she added.
"Well, Cody said modestly.
Suddenly one of the trainers approached them. "I was hoping you hadn't left yet. There's something that we think Timmy
might like to see! Come on!"
"Let's go check it out," Cody said.
"Come on, sweetie! Let's go!" Alex said to Timmy as she got up.
They put on masks and positioned themselves underwater to view the mommy dolphin. She was giving birth. She swam wriggling
around until the baby appeared. The three surfaced after the birth.
"Wow!" Alex said.
"Oh man!" Cody exclaimed. Then they submerged again. They got to view the father, mother and baby as they joined in swimming
together.the mother and infan swam off to bond.
Alex pointed to show Timmy. They then resurfaced.
"Awesome!" Alex said.
They went under again to continue watching. Alex pointed as the mother and infant swam toward them. The infant stopped
for a short time before it swam off. The mother stopped as the trainer got her face to the surface.
Timmy got to pet her and said his first word, to everyone's amazement, "Mommy."
Alex looked at Cody. She then placed her arm around the boy's neck.
"Mommy," said Timmy as he petted the dolphin with gentle strokes.
"Yes," Alex cooed. She then kissed Timmy's shoulder.
Mitch and Valerie made their way toward the cab. Valerie was running. She had missed timmy and couldn't wait to see him.
The trio was getting out of the cab. "Thank you," Alex said to the driver. She helped Timmy out of the cab. "Come on, sweetie,
mommy's here!"
Mitch had caught up with Cody and aksed. "Where's the trophy?"
"There was no race," Cody told him.
"You mean you got your butt kicked." Mitch said.
"No, it got post-phoned." Cody informed him.
"Ah-ha, I see you got back in one piece," Valerie said. She hugged Timmy and then Alex.
"Yes and you are not gonna believe what happened!" Alex said.
Valerie stooped down at eye-level with Timmy. "Did you have a good time, Timmy?" She asked.
Meanwhile, Mitch was confused about the race. "It got post-phoned! What did you do with all of your time?" He asked Cody.
"Fell in love with Lani's sister." Cody said.
Valerie continued to make a fuss over Timmy. "Oh, I missed you so much!"
Cody and Mitch soon joined them.
"Hey," Mitch said, greeting Alex.
"What did you do to him? I've never seen him so happy." Valerie asked.
"Hey Timmy," Cody said. "Don't forget this buddy." He held the painting for Valerie and Timmy to see.
"Wow!" Valerie exclaimed. "Where did you get such a beautiful picture?" She asked Timmy.
"A friend gave it to him, right?" Alex asked Timmy.
"You made a friend? I'm so proud of you!" Valerie said hugging him.
Alex bent over next to Timmy, "Tell her who's in the picture, Timmy," she said.
Timmy pointed to the mother dolphin and said, "Mommy."
Valerie was stunned and hugged him warmly with tears in her eyes. He placed his arms around her and said, Mommy."
"Wow!" Mitch said. "It sounds like you had an incredible trip."
"I was unbelievable like you said, Alex told him as Valerie continued to hug her son warmly.