A surfer was hit by a fierce wave and was knocked unconscious, faced down in the water. Someone saw him and ran out to
make a rescue. The mysterious person got him to shore and gave him CPR. The surfer barely regained consciousness just as a
lifeguard truck made its way toward them. The rescuer fled and by the time J.D. got to the victim, the mysterious lifeguard
had alread disappeared from sight. J.D. got out of the truck and ran toward the victim.
"What happened? How did I get here?" Asked the surfer.
"I was about to ask you the same thing." J.D. said, looking confused. His eyes gave the beach a quick search in hopes
of finding a trace of someone running away from the scene. In his obsessiveness, he wasn't giving the victim any attention.
The victim was supposed to be his first concern. The guy was coughing his head off! Finding nothing except footprints in the
sand, he helped the victim up and to the truck.
Later, J.D discussed the matter with other lifeguards.
"I just don't get it," J.D. said. Believe me, J.D. never seems to get anything these days.
"And he was already laying in the sand when you got there?" Cody asked.
"And there was no one else around?" Bridget asked.
"Nobody," J.D. said.
"You think he could have gotten out of the water by himself?"
"No," J.D. said. "He was barely conscious. He didn't even know what happened."
"It was probably just another surfer." Sheryl reasoned.
"Yeah, but why would he split?" J.D. asked.
"Wave rage," Cody said. "Probably knocked the guy out. Didn't want to be around when he woke up."
Mitch appeared and said, "All right! Roll call! Listen up! Everybody in the lounge. We got a big day ahead of us. Big
swells. El Nino is at it again!"
I couldn't understand why Mitch was gathering the Lifeguards. He was supposed to be the BOSS. And the BOSS does not do
things like this. Alex was hired to do the scheduling of the staff. Newmy and Craig actually helped Mitch in the office. One
of these guys could have done this task. Mitch needed a lieutenant and Newmy would have been the answer, as he was lifeguard
who knew his stuff. Mitch wanted the position of being in authority, but did not want the responsibility in the office. He
also did not want to let go of everything that he used to do. Letting go of some things would make the Mitch character grow
instead of making him wanting to stay in the past all of the time. His young sidekick can do this for him. Just pass the rescue
can on to Hobie and telll him to take it, swim with it!
Alex managed to catch him while he paced himself to the lounge. "Mitch, can I talk to you for a second?" She asked. Alex
kept going without giving him a chance to get a word in edgewise. She said that she realized that she was hired as a consultant.
"I did not take this job so that I could be chained to a desk all day."
"Your point being?" He asked.
"My point being, when do I get the towel?" She said.
"The towel?" He asked.
"Or any other meaningful assignment for that matter. For instance, I could ride in the Call Car with Bridget." said Alex.
They stopped at the coffee station.
"Ah, well, Bridget is a certified paramedic." He said, fixing himself a cup of coffee.
"Well, so am I," she reminded him.
"Oh, yeah, right. I know..." Mitch said.
Alex seemed a bit disappointed, "You know Mitch, you are not being fair. You want me to prove myself, but you are not
giving me a chance."
Mitch ignored what she said and asked, "Coffee?" He went toward the group. "Hey listen up everyhody! Tower assignments!"
Alex looked as if the situation was totally hopeless.
"J.D. Tower 17! Cody, you're at Zuma." Mitch stated.
Alex interrupted so that she could get a word in edgewise. She was motivated to express what she had to say. "Before
we get into all of that, I'd like to introduce you guys to someone." She said. "As you know, when I came to Baywatch, I told
you that you could expect some changes around here, right? Now I know that there are a few of you that derive geat pleasure
from mopping the floors, cleaning the showers and washing your towel and your swimsuits."
"I am-we love it!" Cody said with sarcasm.
"I happen to believe that a lifeguard's job is hard enough without having to do all the brunt work around Headquarters."
She said. "That is why I have hired a maintenance manager."
An attractive young girl with blond hair and blue eyes pushed a cart into the lounge area.
"Everybody, I want you o meet jessica Owens." Alex said.
"Hey everybody." Jessica said, with a huge toothy grin.
"Hello Jessica," they all chorused. Jessica then giggled.
Alex then continued. "So if you guys have any other ideas or suggestions...you know my door is always open."
"Always open," mitch repeated quickly to finish things up for her. He quickly threw the clipboard over to J.D. "J.D.,
do me a favor and hand out the tower assignments." He led Alex toward the coffe area. "Step into my office, will ya?" He said."Where
did you you find money in the budget for a manintenance manager?"
"That is one of the many things that I am inclined to do." Alex said. She then left Mitch with an aggravated expression
on his face.
Outside, Ed Stymes, a past pest to Mitch squatted down to open a medical case. "Ed Stymes is my name, medical supplies
is my game. I have complementary thermometers for all of you." He grabbed a handful and passed them out to the crowd of lifeguards.
"You'll notice that my e-mail address is right here on the back." He stopped in front of Bridget. "I thought you and me could
log on together some night sweetheart." He handed her a thermometer.
"Here," Bridget said, pushing it into his mouth. "You need this because you're obviously out of yor mind with fever."
"Yeah," he said laughing with embarrassment. "Ladies and gentlemen, what you see is the future. All of these medical
supplies are state of the art." He continued in his usual pesky demeanor. "Now I'm gonna do a demonstration. I need your leg
doll-face, if that'll be O.K." He took Bridget's leg into his hands, not waiting for a response. Bridget looked angered.
"this leg is...ummm...hmmm...hmmm...gorgeous, but for the sake of this demonstration, is broken. You with me?" He asked.
"Your hands," she said. "Take them off my leg or they're broken."
He released her leg immediately, holding up his hands.
Mitch made his way down the stairs and couldn't believe his eyes. "Ed?"
"Hey Mitch, how goes it?" Ed said happily.
"I thought I made it perfectly clear I never wanted to see your face around here again." Mitch stated angrily. "Ever!"
"Aww...come on Mitch. Don't let a little personality difference come between us and business. I'm gonna make you the
best equipped emergency medical unit on the beach." Said Ed.
"We already are." Mitch stated.
"Aww, no man, your stuff is yesterday's news. My stuff is the wave of the future." Ed explained. "And it could be yours."
"Yeah, right!" Mitch said. "In exchange for what?"
"I need to field test some of my equipment on the Call Car." Ed said.
"In a word, no." Mitch said.
"Aww come on, no strings, no obligations." Ed stated.
"No way," Mitch stood firm.
Just then, Alex leaned over the railing and called out to Mitch. "I need you to sign some paperwork before youo take
off, all right?"
Ed had shivers and was enchanted with the new beautiful addition. "Hey, who's the new babe?" Ed asked.
"Nah, you don't wanna mess with..." Mitch said before pausing and having ideas of his own. "On second thought, this might
present an interesting opportunity."
Soon after Alex changed into her training suit, she and Mitch headed downstairs.
"So, now you want me to go out in the Call Car?" She asked. Alex had no clue as to what Mitch was up to.
"Yep!" Mitch said.
"May I ask why the sudden change of heart?" She asked.
"I realized that keeping youo cooped up was a tremendous waste of your talents." Mitch explained.
"Well, we finally agree on something. That's great!" She said.
"We do!" He said. When they got to the Call Car, Ed was waiting for them.
"Alex Ryker...Ed Stymes."
"Hey sugar plum, why don't you take a ride with ol' Daddy here! I'll let you ride shotgun!" Ed said. He then laughed.
Mitch in turn laughed and then wen to get into the Call Car.
Ed winked. "Now don't keep me waiting here cupcake, I've got a lonely lap here!"
She was a bit shocked, but still confused as she headed toward the truck.
Jessica began work squeezing out a rag. She soon was washing the windows. Cody and J.D. made their way indise.
"Hey guys," she greeted.
"Hey Jessica," J.D. said.
"Oh, you can call me Jessie." She insisted.
"Jessie Owens?" Cody asked. "Any relation to the original?"
"Actually, my dad was a track and field nut. Jessie Owens was his hero." She said.
"Mine too! Four Olympic gold medals put him at the top. the name is Cody." He said.
"Hey!" She said shaking his hand.
"J.D.," J.D. said, extending his hand for her to shake.
"It's nice meeting you." She said.
"welcome to Baywatch." J.D. said. They both kept eyeing each other. He barely gave the girl a chance to say her line
before he cut in.
"Thanks," Jessie said.
"So how'd a girl like you become a ..." Cody said, not getting to complete his sentence.
"Janitor?" Jessie finished for him. "Actually, I'm starteing my own business." She took out a card. "Just in case, if
you guys need anyone to clean your apartments or whatever. I'm always looking for new clients."
"You got a ..." Cody then stopped in mid-sentence. "Jessie wait!"
She was pouring water over the railing! it was already too late.
"What?" She asked.
Sheryl and Bridget were doen below and had gotten drenched by dirty, soap water. They were really angered!
"There might be..." he looked over the railing to see the result of the mishap. He then managed to finish. "...someone
down there."
"Oh, my God!" She exclaimed. "I'm so sorry!" Then she grimaced.
With Mitch at the wheel, the Call Car made its way down the beach. Ed was fixed between them. He feigned yawning and
stretching, placing an arm around Alex. She wasn't too pleased. Alex looked at his hand and where it was and said, "Do you
"Oh no, sorry," Ed said. he removed it.
Mitch gave them a quick glance, smiling to satisfaction.
"No tan line on yor finger, huh? Ed asked.
"I beg your pardon?" Sha asked.
"No wedding ring. I guess you must be flyin' solo, huh?" He asked.
"Uh, yeah. yeah." She said.
"What a waste of a beautiful woman." He stated, thinking that he was going to get his hand on her. "I'm single too, you
know. Hard to believe, isn't it?"
"No," she said. "Not really." She wanted Ed to move over because he seemed glued to her. "Ed, do you think youo
could move over that way a little?" She asked.
"Oh yeah, a little." He said, inching over reluctantly.
"You two have a lot in common," Mitch said.
"Really," she asked.
"Yeah," Mitch said.
"Like what?" She demanded.
"Well, we're both romantically untangled, we're both hands on kind of people, we both have guys names." Ed said cutting
into the conversation.
Alex looked over at Mitch. "You set me up!"
"Me?" Mitch said with a touch of over-innocence. "Set you up? No! All I know is that you're the one that wanted to ride
in the Call Car."
Ed picked up the radio. "Headquarters, we're comin' in. We're lowo n fuel. We have a 201 coming down on..."
Alex grabbed it from his hands! She told headquarters to cancel that transmission. then she looked at Ed and said, "This
goes out to everyone."
"Sorry," Ed said he then began touching everything on the dashboard. "What are all of these little switches?"
Alex had tourn them off. "Just keep your hands in your pockets." She warned.
"All right," he said, putting his hands in two pockets.
"Those are my pockets. Look, just keep your hands right here and don't move." She told him squarely.
"I will," Ed promised.
"Thank you!" She said with a touch of irritation.
Some one at the pier was ready to dive. It was Jessie! A lifeguard truck made its way down the beach. J.D. was driving.
"What do you think about Vegas this weekend?" asked Cody.
"Sounds good," J.D. said. "I'll let you know after I talk to Mitch."
"See if he wants to go." Cody said.
"Whoa...stop!" Cody ordered, looking up at the pier. "I think we've got a jumper off the pier."
J.D. got out and looked through his binoculars. "It's Jessie! What in the hell is she doing up there?"
Cody picked up the radio and placed it on the intercom. "JESSIE, BACK AWAY FROM THE EDGE!" When he could see that she
would not comply, they ran out to the scene.
"Jessie, get back! Don't jump!" They called out.
Jessie made the dive anyway. After she broke through the surface, she looked up at the man who was filming her. "How
does that look? Get it?" She yelled out to him.
Cody and J.D. came to a complete stop, looking a bit stunned.
"Got it!" He yelled with his thumb up.
"All right!" She exclaimed with, returning the thumbds up sign. She then swam to shore to get out of the water.
"What are you guys doing out here?" She asked.
"We were about to ask you that same question." Cody said.
"I'm putting my reel together. I'm training to be a stuntwoman!" She explained with a smile. It seemed pasted on. She
never lost it through the entire scene. This girl should really be doing tooth paste commercials. She does have beautiful
"That's cool!" J.D. said.
Cody had more of a better perspective on duty. "Yeah, but it's illegal to jump off the pier."
"You guys aren't gonna tell on me, are you?" She asked, looking from one to the other. She kept that smile on her face,
which made it hard to take her seriously. Cody and J.D. looked at each other.
"We'll let it go this time." J.D. said.
"Look, I've gotta get back to Headquarters," she said. "My lunch break is almost over. Thanks again, you guys!" She then
scurried off. "See ya!"
They both looked at her and then at each other. Cody whistled.
The Call Car answered to a call concerning an injured victim. Mitch got out and then retieved the medical case.
"I think his arm's broken," said the lifeguard, who was none other than Bridget.
"All right, let's take a look." Mitch said.
"Hi sweet cakes," Ed said.
"What is he doing here?" Bridget asked.
"Don't ask." Mitch told her.
Ed got his stuff of the Call Car and hurred to the victim. "Hey, big guy, you otta try my new tiangle bandage." Ed said.
"Cutting technology. Moback purpose. Cures separations, dislocations, even cures hiccups."
"We're doing fine here," Mitch informed him.
"Yeah, you ought to give it a loolk It makes your little splint there look like a swivel stick." Ed said. "You said we
could field test my emery board."
"For God's sake. If you want to try it out on somebody, try it on Alex." Mitch said.
Alex was nearby and heard his remark. "Excuse me?" She said. "I have no desire to be his guinea pig!"
"Well, why not? you said you wanted to be a part of a team, didn't you?" Mitch reminded.
She sighed and proceeded to let Ed test it out on her. Ed was so pleased. "This baby was designed to up-hold the arm
up against the body." He said.
"Actually, I think my hand is supposed to be inside." She told him while working it into the blue support sling.
"That'll help. It's a little tricky though. This is the new technology." Ed said while he worked getting the support
wrapped around her. "I think you need another for a little vertical support."
Mitch looked on, smiling with satisfaction.
"These are anatomically correct." Ed said. He rambled on stating that they've been run through a computer and can support
5000 pounds.
"Is this who you buy all your medical supplies from?" Alex asked Mitch.
"We'll put this around here like this, Ed said. He wrapped on of the supports around her shoulders.
"O.K.," she said.
He was starting to wrap his arms around her as he got the support on. "And come around here." He smiled slyly at Mitch.
"All right," Alex said. "That's good. That's enough. That's good, very good. Thank you."
Mitch was finished with the victim. "O.K. guys! Get him over to Santa Monica General. Get him an x-ray." Mitch told them.
"All right guys, thanks."
"Do you have any idea what you're doing?" Alex asked Ed.
When he was finished connecting the two supports, he asked. "Well, what do you think?"
Mitch laughed. Alex was not pleased at all. She took the things off and said, "I think you're a complete moron!"
Meanwhile at Headquarters, Jessie was mopping the floor. She saw Bridget and Sheryl. She asked them how their day went.
they gumbled, "Exhausting!"
"Well, I restocked the towels and put some new soap int eh shower," Jessie said. "The old ones were kind of yucky."
"Thanks," they said at their lockers.
Jessie sensed being snubbed and asked, "You're not still mad about that bucket thing, are you?"
"Of course not," Bridget said.
Cody was returning the corner rather quiclly. Jessie saw this and tried to warn him. "Hey!" She yelled. "Watch out! It's
wet!" It was too late. cody had slipped and fell. She ran over to help him up. "Are you O.K.?" She asked.
"Um hum." He said.
"I should have put that thing up," she said, pointing to the WET FLOOR/CAUTION sign on her cart.
That might be a good idea." He agreeded.
Alex and Mitch got out of the Call Car after pulling up in the Headquarters parking area.
"If Ed Stymes even shows his face around here again, I'm going to get a restraining order. I mean it!" Alex told Mitch.
"I saw sparks between you two." Mitch said.
"You know, that was not even funny." She told Mitch.
'Yes it is." Mitch said. "It was very funny."
Sheryl and Bridget saw the two and approached them.
"Guys, we really need to talk about our new maintenance manager." Bridget said.
"Why?" Alex asked. "What happened?"
Without a word, they held up a baby-sized BW jacket and an equally tiny black training swimsuit.
"Oh," Mitch said. "Great!"
The next day brought us a happy picture of a family trying to have a good time. A woman and her two young children relaxed
on the jetty. The little girl was fishing, while her son was running across the rocks after birds.
"Jason, com back here!" Their mother warned. "No running!" She went after him, but told her daughter, "Beth, don't get
too close to the edge!" She then continued after young Jason. "Come back here! Come on over here! Come on!"
"Beth got a tug on her line, "I think I've got something."
The woman finally caught up with Jason. "Jason, get back here! We have to stay together! No running!"
A large set of waves behind the rocks came in and knocked Beth into the water. "Mommy, help!" She cried.
"Jason," their mother said. "Stay here!" She then ran over in effort to aid her daughter.
The girl was in the water crying for help! She was trying to stay afloat. Her mother was helpless to save her. Jessie
was jogging along the beach when she saw the victim. She ran out to the site and swam toward the little girl.
"Beth...Beth...where are you? Beth!" Her mother screamed. The little girl was was crying frantically for help! Jessie
managed to reach her.
"Hold on, don't worry, I've got you!" Jessie said as she got to the girl and swam her in between the roughness of
the waves pushing them against the rocks. Jessie took the blows to the rocks. She finally reached shore. Once safe, mother
and daughter embraced.
"Oh, look at you! You're bleeding!" The girl's mother said, looking at the bruises on her wrists and arms. "How did you
get here?"
"The girl saved me!" Beth cried.
"What girl?" Her mother asked.
"Her!" Beth said, but then realized that the girl was nowhere to be seen.
"Where'd she go?" She cried as her mother pulled her close.
Mitch and Alex walked down the stairs.
"Late night last night?" Mitch asked.
"I got to bed by 10, but just didn't get much sleep." She said.
"Really?" He asked with great interest.
"Yeah, I kept having these nightmares about Ed Stymes." Alex said. She went on to say that she had never met such an
obnoxious, sleazy leach in her entire life. "Thank goodness I don't have to see him..." She stopped in mid-sentence. They
had reached the Call Car only to find Ed there waiting for them.
"Hi lamb chop, ready to rock and roll?" Ed asked, with the Call Car's radio in hand.
"Ohhhh, man!" She said in disappointment.
"Well," Mitch said. "He really didn't get a chance to field test all of his products."
"Ed extended an arm, offering his hand. "Come to papa, sweet cheeks." He said.
"I'm driving!" Alex told Mitch.
"I love a woman who takes charge!" Ed said.
They were soon rolling down the beach. The trio could now see the mother and her two children running in their direction.
"Help! Lifeguard!" They all cried.
Alex stopped and Mitch got out quickly. Alex got out and said, "Don't move Ed!" After closing the door, she paused and
then added, "Dont even twitch!"
"What happened?" Mitch asked.
As the woman explained, Alex examined the girl's arms.
"We were on the jetty, my daughter was fishing. And my son was chasing the birds."
"You O.K. now?" Alex asked.
"Yeah," Beth said. "Just cold."
"Just take a look at all of those scratches on her arm, Mitch. She must have gotten them on the rocks." Alex said.
"Did you swim in all by yourself?" Mitch asked.
"That's just wierd," the girl's mother said. "Beth said some girl helped her in, but when I looked around, I didn't see
"Maybe it was a mermaid," Beth said.
Alex smiled and looked up at Mitch. "Maybe it was J.D.'s phantom lifeguard. She got the girl to the truck and treated
the scratches. Her mother followed. Mitch led the boy to the Call Car. "Come on, big guy." He said. "Come on!"
At Headquarters, Jessie pulled her cart into the locker room. She looked away when she saw J.D. in the shower. "Ohhhh,
uhhh," she said.
then she turned around and watched J.D. as he showered. She smiled.
He stopped and said, "Come here."
She moved foward and stepped into the shower with him. With the water puring over them, they started kissing.
"Jessie! Jessie! Jessie!" Someone called.
She then snapped out of her passionate fantasy. "Oh!"
It was J.D.
"I'm sorry. I didn't know that you...I mean, I didn't know..." she tried to explain.
"It's O.K., it's a co-ed shower." J.D. said.
"Oh! Oh, it is? Oh..." she said.
"Of course you have to have your suit on..." He explained. "Otherwise no one ever gets to the beach."
After stumbling over sounds, she finally found something to say. "Can I get you some soap? No, or shampoo?" She offered.
"No, I'm fine, thanks." He assured her. J.D. turned the shower off and grabbed a towel to dry himself. "So, what's happening
with your stunt reel?" He asked.
"Oh, I just sent it in to Billy Ness." Jessie told him.
"Who's Billy Ness?" he asked.
"He's the biggest stunt co-ordinator in Hollywood." She explained. "I can't wait! If I get in with him, I'm all set!"
Sheryl was at her tower, watching her stretch of the beach. She looked through her binoculars to notice a man who
was jogging along suddenly grab his left wrist. He fell to his knees in the sand. She immediately called for backup.
"205, this is Sheryl, come in."
"This is 205, Sheryl,"Mitch said, who was now driving.
"A jogger collapsed in the sand holding his left arm. I'm thinking it's a possible heart attack." She said.
"10-4 responding. Code R." Mitch said.
Sheryl grabbed her rescue can and hurried out to him. The Call Car was soon there on the scene. Mitch quickly got out
and asked, "Is he O.K.?"
"Yeah," the man answered. "I'm all right. I was just telling the young lady not to worry."
"He says it was a cramp in his arm, not a heart attack." Sheryl finished for him.
"I'm as strong as an Ox. I work out five times a week." The man said.
Meanwhile, Ed had gone to the back of the Call Car to get a defibrillator. He ran out to the victim with the handles
out and ready to go. Mitch stood and put his hands up in effort to stop him. the victim was O.K. But Ed didn't hear Mitch.
"Clear!" Ed yelled.
The handles were placed against Mitch's hands. "No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no..." Mitch said with electricity going
through his body. He fell onto the sand.
Alex saw this and ran out to Mitch. "Ed!"
"Uh-oh!" He said.
She was soon over to see if Mitch was O.K.
"Oh man, oh man!" Ed kept saying over and over.
"He's breathing," Alex said with relief.
"Why did you do that?" The jogger asked Ed.
"Becuase he's an idiot," Alex answered for Ed. her attention then returned to Mitch. "Come on Mitch!" She then saw Ed
opening a pack. "What are you doing Ed?"
"Smelling salts," Ed said, trying to place it under her nose. Alex backed away, protecting her nose against the strong
smell. Ed then placed it under Mitch's nose. The strong odor mad him come to.
"Get out of there, Ed! Get out of three!" Alex ordered, pushing Ed aside. "You all right?" Alex asked Mitch.
Mitch opened his eyes and asked, "Am I dead?"
"No big guy," said Ed, placing a comforting hand on his sholder. Mitch grabbed it angrily.
"Too bad for you!" Mitch growled. Alex tried to restrain him as he tried to get up to go after a fleeting Ed Stymes!
"I'm gonna kill him! I'm gonna kill him! I'm gonna kill him! I'm gonna kill him! I'm gonna kill him!"
"Lay back, relax!" She ordered.
"Am I smoking?" Mitch asked.
After a shaky Mitch tried pouring coffe from a thermos into a cup-top, Alex sat beside him. SHe placed a blanket around
"You're rattling," she said.
"You'd rattle too," Mitch said. "If somebody shot you up with 20,000 volts!"
Alex frowned. "You're still rattling."
Mitch paused for a few seconds. the sound made him think. He then pulled out a very flat Sucrets-like tin box and passed
it over to Alex.
"Care for a mint? I don't havve any breath left." Mitch said.
She popped one into her mouth. "So," she asked. "What do you think about your friend Ed now?"
"Oh please, don't rub it in, huh?" Mitch said.
"What are you gonna do about him?"
Mitch suddenly smiled devilishly, displaying a plotful expression.
The siren blared as the Call Car ran down the beach. Mitch and Alex saw Ed walking. thiking that they were going to run
him over or do him bodily harm, he ran. They pursued him and ordered him to halt.
"Ed stop! Stop! Ed!" Mitch ordered over the speaker. "O.K., stop!"
Ed does stop. "Look, I'm sorry man." He said as Mitch and Alex got out of the Call Car. "Don't do anything you'll regret.
I'll drop you like a three foot putt! Don't do anything!"
"No, no, no pal." Mitch said. "Accident happen."
"Hey! That's my motto too!" Ed said with relief. "Are we still friends?"
"Friends," Mitch said with a hesitant extension of his hand to shake Ed's.
"You had me worried." Ed said. "When the big guy went down...whew! It's lucky I had those smelling salts! I wish there
was somebody around when I went down."
"You shocked yourself?" Alex asked.
"Yeah, a good salesman gotta know his own products, ya know." Ed said.
"Products! Speaking of products! We'd like to see some of your fanstastic products. Show us what you've got her, pal."
Mitch said.
Ed pulled out a bottle and said, "this is a completely new type of suture. No stitching required.it's a space-aged type
of glue. you jsut put it on the cut and when it heals, it disappears." He rattled on. "Never, never get this near your mouth.
Your lips will get sealed for like twenty-four hours. You can trust me on that!"
"We don't want to see the small stuff." Alex said "We want to see the top of your line, right?" She asked, looking
at Mitch.
"Top of the line," Mitch agreed.
"Top of the line?" Asked Ed in disbelief.
"Top of the line!" Alex reinforced what Mitch had said.
"Well, all right then," Ed said.
they were soon strapping him onto a vacu-split mattress while he rattled on to describe the product. When he was all
strapped in and unable to move, they left him there. The two got into the Call Car and took off!
"Hey!" Don't leave me here! Come back! The tide's comin' in!" Ed screamed.
Meanwhile, Jessie was loading some towels into the washer and measured the liquid detergent in it's cap before adding
it to the load.
"Hey Jessie," J.D. said, coming into the locker room.
"Heyyyy, J.D. Could you do me a HUGE favor?" She asked, leaving the bottle opened and sitting on the washer. "Billy Ness
just called. He saw my stunt reel and wants me to meet him at his office."
"That's great!" He exclaimed in a calm sort of way.
"Yeah!" She said. "I'm supposed to meet him in half an hour."
"Well, you'd better get going," J.D. said.
"Yeah, but I promised that I'd get these towels done before I left. Do you think you could put them in the dryer for
me?" She asked.
"I think I can handle that." He assured her.
Jessie looked around and spotted more towels, adding them to the load. Unwittingly, she forgot that the bottle of detergent
was still sitting on the washer near the opening. The opened bottle of liquid detergent went in with the towels. "They're
gonna be done in like half an hour." She said. "I've already set the dryer so all you have to do is just throw in the towels,
hit the button, ready to go." She looked at J.D. "Thank you so much!" She kissed him on the cheek and rushed out to get to
her appointment on time. J.D grabbed his lifeguard polo shirt and left the locker room. A split second after leaving, the
wsher started to shake and rock. Suds suddenly flowed up through the lid, and started to flood over the waher and onto the
floor. Bridget and Sheryl came from around the corner. They saw the suds pushing their way from under the closed locker room
door. They were stunned.
"Oh my God!"
The Call Car pulled up to headquarters. Alex and Mitch got out. Alex told Mitch that she loved giving it to the little
"I wonder how long we should leave him out there?" Mitch asked.
"Hmmm...let's see...when is high tide?" She asked.
"Midnight!" Mitch exclaimed.
"Midnight?" She asked.
Bridget approached them. "You guys are not gonna believe this!" She proceeded to lead them to the locker room.
"What? What is...?" Mitch's words trailed when he saw the suds. "...the big deal." After walking through the suds, which
were now extremely high and filling the room, Mitch looked at Alex. "We've got to talk about this girl...vrey soon."
"Yeah," said a disappointed Alex.
In the office, Alex broke the news to Jessie. "I'm sorry Jessie." She said.
"Alex, I swear it'll never happen again. Please don't fire me." Jessie begged. "Can you talk to Mitch or something?"
"It's nothing personally. I just feel like you're not cut out for this type of work." Alex explained.
Jessie just broke down and cried while sitting on the arm of the sofa. Alex reached for the box of tissue and plucked
one out to offer Jessie.
"It's the worse day of my entire life." Jessie said sniffing.
"Nooo," Alex cooed. "You're gonna be O.K. Jessie. I just wish there was something else I could do."
With her head down, Jessie said, "I'll be O.K. It'll just be a second." She dried her tears. Jessie regained her composure.
She then told Alex that she was O.K.
"I'm really sorry that it didn't work out." Alex said.
"Me too." Jessie said. she stood and then took an over-exaggerated deep breath.
"Good luck," Alex said, extending her hand for Jessie to shake. She noticed the scratches and brusies on the girl's arms.
She tried holding onto them, but Jessie pulled them away. "How did you do that?"
"I'm always getting scrapped and stuff. It's no big deal. I've gotta run, but I'm really sorry that I let you down."
Jessie said.
Alex wore a suspicious expression while watching her leave.
"I know one thing for sure," J.D said as he, Cody and Mitch made their way up the Headquarters stairs. "Whoever's
making those rescues sure knows what they're doing."
"Maybe it's an ex-lifeguard who doesn't wanna show us up." Cody said.
"Yeah. there aren't too many lifeguards past or present who would avoid credit for a rescue." Mitch said.
Just then, Alex who had been been listening made her way toward them. "What about future?" She asked.
"Future what?" Mitch asked, a bit baffled.
"Future lifeguard." Alex said.
"What are you saying?"
"I'm just saying that I know who the phantom lifeguard is-it's Jessie."
"Jessie!" They all chorused.
"Yes, she's got the same scratches on her arms as the little girl that fell off the jetty." She explained.
"Alex," Mitch said, dismissing her assumption. "She could have gotten those scratches anywhere."
"Think about it," Alex said. "when did the first anonymous rescue take place?"
"The day Jessie got here," J.D. said.
"Early in the morning before she headed to work. I'm telling you guys, it's Jessie." Alex then continued. "She may
not be much with a mop, but she is the best prospect for a lifeguard that I have ever seen."
Meanwhile on the beach, two drinking college teenagers buried another chest-high in the sand. One of them wrote the name
of their fraternity on his forehead. The boy wanted to be accepted as a fraternity brother. The two barked out orders at him.
They soon grabbed their surboards and had planned to surf, while leaving him there as a part of the initiation. Before they
got to the shoreline, the buried boy asked the others about the tide that was coming in. They told him that it should be about
half hour. They were soon at the shoreline discussing the waves until the buried one started to sink.
"Fellas, I'm sinkin' here!" he said in a panic.
"Shut up! No talkin' to you!"
"Yeah, yeah! I'm sinking!"
More sand sank around him in a huge cove-like circle.
"I'm not kiddin'! I'm sinking!" Sean cried. "Help!"
The two boys turned to see the seriousness of the situation and quickly ran over. The sunken in area was now too vast
to reach him. As one of the boys tried to go right out to him.
"Watch it! Watch it! Stay back! Stay back!" The other one yelled. He would have gone under too.
"We gotta do something!" He wailed.
"Stay back! Stay back!" The other boy kept insisting.
They ran over toward one of the beach towels to see if they could fling one end out for him to grab. The first attempt
was a bit short.
"I can't reach it, man! Throw it again!" Sean cried desperately.
"Do it again! Do it again!" The other boy cried.
"I'm goin' down!" Sean cried. He somehow managed to grab it on the next attempt. "I got it! I got it! Pull it!"
He tried to hold onto the towel, but he was buried too deep in the sand and lost his grip. "I'm sinkin' man,
put this thing out of here!" Sean cried.
Jessie was passing by on the bike path above and saw what was going on. The boy kept screaming for help. She saw another
biker and stopped him. "Hey, can you get a lifeguard? Call 911...it's an emergency!" She said.
He rode off to do as she had requested. Jessie then guided her bike down the hill and toward the sand beach. She got
off her bike and dropped it as she quickly made her way out toward the scene.
"Somebody help! I'm goin' down!" Sean screamed.
"Let me help!" Jessie cried. They just tried pushing her away as if she was nothing more than a fly. She saw them trying
to use a towel to help Sean. "That's not gonna work!" She then ran over to the boards that the boys dropped. She picked one
up and hurred back. Puttling in place to be pushed out toward the victim Jessie warned, "Watch out! Watch out! Watch out!"
Jessie then climbed onto it, faced-down on her tummy. "Grab my ankles! Push it out there! Come on!" She ordered.
When Jessie was able to reach Sean, she said, "I got you, O.K.?" She tried to calm him a bit as she held onto his hand.
Then she yelled out to the others, "Come on...pull! Pull!"
they pulled franitcally with no result. "It's not working! She reached into her pants pocket and pulled out her keys.
"Here, take my keys! Get my bike lock!"
"What for?" Asked one of the boys.
"Just do it!" Jessie screamed.
He quickly went off to get it unlocking the chain that was inserted inside the clear plastic blue hose-type tube.
"You're gonna be O.K.!" She assured Sean. "Hold on!" Knowing that his very life depended on it. "WHERE IS HE?" She screamed.
"I got it!" He said. "What do you want me to do?"
Jessie told him to slip the tubing off the chain.
"Hang in there Sean!" Encouraged the other boy, while holding onto the board. She took the transparent blue hose and
inserted into Sean's mouth.
"Put this into your mouth so you can breathe! Don't let go! Don't let go! Pull!"
Finally, the lifeguards came. Mitch got out of the Call Car.
"Pull! You're gonna be O.K.! She screamed. "Hurry guys! He's buried in ths sea cove!"
"Is he still alive?" Alex asked.
"He's breathing through this tube." Jessie cried.
"J.D., go get the paddleboard! Cody, hook up the winch!" Mitch ordered.
"Hurry!" Jessie yelled. "Hang on...you're gonna be O.K.!"
Mitch climbed onto the paddleboard to be extended out with the loop onto a line. "I need more slack!" Mitch said.
Cody and Alex pulled off more line. He then reached under the dand to get the boy's wrist and slide it over one of his
hands. he needed some more line.
"More slack!" Mitch yelled. His arm carried him up to his shoulder into the cove.
"More slack," J.D. relayed to Cody and Alex. the two pulled off more line.
Mitch was finally able to get it over his wrist. Mitch was then pulled up.
Take it up Alex!" Mitch yelled.
"He's comin'! Hold on man!" jessie yelled. "Hold on!"
As the winch pulled Sean up, Jessie helped him toward her. They all then joined in to help him up out of the cove.
Mitch held onto him and said, "All right. Slow breaths! Slow breaths! O.K."
"You all right, man?" Jessie asked.
"Yeah," Sean said, trying to catch his breath. He could barely speak.
"Get him some water, huh?" Mitch asked. "Good job!"
"Thank you guys so much!" Sean said gratefully, still trying to catch his breath.
After Sean was taken to the hospital to be checked out, Mitch and Alex confronted Jessie.
"I have one question. Why did you disappear after all of the rescues?" Mitch asked.
"I don't know. I didn't want anybody to make a big deal of it!" Jessie said. "I don't like a lot of attention. I'm more
of a background girl."
"That's a good quality to have for a stuntwoman." Alex said.
"Exactly," Jessie said. "At least that's on hold for a little while anyway. that stunt co-ordinator I met with...he came
on to me. That's not how I want to break into the biz."
"You know," Mitch said. "Rookie School starts next week. You'd be a terrific candidate."
"You really think I could be a lifeguard?" She asked.
"You're a natural!" Mitch assured her.
"Great!" She said. "I'll give it a shot!"
Just then, Ed showed up, shuffling toward them in slow steps trapped upright in the mattress.
"Hey! I'm a desperate man!" he said.
"Oh no-it can't be!" Alex said in disappointment.
Ed continued to rattle on, "I tried to walk down to Santa Monica and I fell down about eighteen times. Some little kid
tripped me. You know, you can't make a phone call inside one of these things-I couldn't get no change. The good news is that
these things float. the tide could have taken me to Japan." He then paused for a second before going on to show
his dis appointment. "I don't think this is funny at all. This isn't my idea of a joke." Ed yelled, shaking his head.
The others ignored him.
"Would you like a cup of coffee?" Mitch asked.
"Actually, I'd like a cappuccino." Alex said.
"Cappuccino?" Mitch asked.
"Cappuccino!" Alex said.
"Cappuccino!" Jessie said.
"Wait a minute!" Ed yelled, hopping after them. "Don't leave me. Don't leave me again! Hey! Hey! I want a cappuccino
too! Decaffe...caffeine drives me crazy!" He kept yelling while continuing to hop after them. The three ran toward the Call