1. FHM March 2003; "Baywatch Blowout" Big Fold Out Cover Shot
shared with 8 other BW Ladies for Baywatch Hawaii Wedding Movie Promo; Article/Interview "12 Hours With The Hoff" pp.
120-124 by Tony Romando, Photos by Ian Knowles; Baywatch Ladies Fold Out Poster; Photo Shoot With Stats pp. 126-139 by
Tony Romando, Photos by Rocket Productions
2. TV GUIDE February 22-28, 2003; Article/Interview
pp. 38-41 "Reunited and it Feels So Good" by Mary Murphy; Photos by Stewart Volland, FOX & Spike Nannarrllo; Cast talks about the upcoming movie that will reunite many of the show's former cast; Catching
up with some 'Baywatch' cast members
3. GLAMOUR February 2003; Article; Yasmine's story on her stuggle with drugs and how
she overcame them.
4. PEOPLE October 8, 2001 Article Update "Strong Undertow" p.113; News
article discussing Yasmine's new woes; Photo by Tammie Arroyo/POL
5. MAXIM December 1998; Cover Shot; Article/Interview "Bleethal
Weapon: Yasmine Bleeth" pp. 11, 114-119 by Steven Russel; Photos by Albert Sanchez
6. US August 1998; Article/Interview "Yasmine Bleeth Fashion"
pp. 76-79 by Robert Abele; Photos by Marc Baptste
7. SELF July 1998; Cover Shot; Article/Interview "The Self Portrait Bleeth Spirit"
Yasmine Bleeth Makes Her Own Luck pp. 10, 148-149, 167 by Claus Wickrath; Cover Photo and Color Article Photo by Claus Wickrath;
B/W Article Photo by Francesco Scavullo
8. TV GUIDE Jan. 31-Feb. 6, 1998; "Yasmine's Dreams" Cover shot by Diego Uchitel
for TV Guide; Contents shot by Diego Uchitel for TV Guide; Article "Yasmine Bleeth: Beyond the Bay" pp. 14-20 by Hilary De
Vries, Photos by Diego Uchitel for TV Guide; "The Lake" photo by Paul Drinkwater/NBC; "Baywatch" photo by Spike Nannarello
9. TV GUIDE September 20-27, 1997; Article "Bleeth Encounter" p. 7 by Hilary de Vries;
Photo by Lance Staedler for TV Guide; Talks about working on herself
10. TV MOVIE (Germany) September 1997/Issue 19; Cover; Article & photos
11. TV GUIDE March 9-15, 1997 Article "Yes! Yes! Yasmine" pp. 34-35 by Mark Schwed' "The 'Baywatch'
actress dives into a new TV movie to prove she's not another pretty face"
12. FHM (UK) October 1996/Issue 10; Cover; Article & Photos
13. SKY (UK) April 1995/Issue 4; Cover; Article & Photos
14. VERONICA (Netherlands) 1995/Issue 38; Cover; Article & Photos
15. VERONICA (Netherlands) 1995/Issue 28; Cover; Article & Photos